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Nightmare Fuel / I Know Who Killed Me

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WARNING: Spoilers Off applies to Nightmare Fuel pages.
  • Crossing over with Nausea Fuel: The torture scenes are pretty horrifying, but the dry ice scene is definitely the most frightening and nauseating, as the killer presses the block of dry ice against her hand and peels her flesh off.
  • Followed by the killer drenching her rotted hand in blue oil made from blue roses that stings her exposed hand.
  • Then the killer starts sadistically amputating her arm by cutting the fingers off first — while she's still breathing.
  • The captured twin's screams and sobs during the torture scenes don't help either.
  • One twin waking up to her arm and leg being spontaneously cut off from her body, without anyone being there doing the cutting.
  • Due to their twin telepathy, what one twin feels, the other can go through to. And this is worst when on twin is sadistically tortured nearly to death with her arm and leg being cut off.
  • The horror of not knowing where your missing daughter is or that she is alive and buried and the other is being pursued by a sadistic piano teacher.
  • While everyone believes that Aubrey has been found, the real Aubrey is buried alive, and time is running out for her. If her look-alike had not been so persistent in finding her, no one but the killer would have ever known what happened to her.
