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Nightmare Fuel / Garry's Mod

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As a game where anyone could do just about anything, Garry's Mod is known for creating some very disturbing stuff.

The base game

  • Sometimes, turning up the sensitivity of the Face Poser allows you to make some extremely disturbing expressions. Case in point.
    • Similarly, for GMod 13, Garry removed the restrictions on facial muscle animation, and added some more ways of manipulating bones. This essentially allows the player to make any kind of Humanoid Abomination they'd like out of the NPCs they have installed. Hoo boy, are the results genuinely terrifying.


  • The blood effect mod Real Life Blood MOD is Exactly What It Says on the Tin, where it is blood decals that are based off of real blood splatters from actual forensics pictures. The thumbnailspoiler doesn't help matters either.
  • The Perfectly Harmless Companion Cube. At first, it seems to be a regular Companion Cube from Portal...but when you turn around, you'll notice it's moved closer. Look away for too long, and it'll creep up on you, before pulling out a knife and stabbing you to death. It's even worse if you've lost it.
  • Whenever a Nextbot isn't some 2D picture of a meme or Narmy creepypasta character, it can be scary to know that you are in the same map as a predator that always knows where you are, is faster than you, is actively trying to murder you, and the only way you could defend yourself is by trying to lose it in labyrinths, and even that's not guaranteed to save you.

