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Nightmare Fuel / Divinity: Dragon Commander

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  • The World: Imagine living in a world where Four Insane siblings, with near invincible automatic armies, are warring against each other because a Demon drove them insane. Not to even mention when the demon decides to cut out the middleman and decides to rule the world himself.
    • His Party Platform? Let's create a War that never ends!!!
  • If you accept any of Corvus' deals:
    • Entire chunks of populations dying, going insane, or just disappearing.
    • Dear lord the pure weaponised Nightmare Fuel of the Princesses!
  • The town of Harrowridge...
    "By the seven, commander, what has happened in the Town of Harrowridge is truly abominable. Such crimes committed by my kinsmen... I can hardly believe it."
    • The atrocities committed by the Undead were apparently so heinous that it left Edmund, himself a veteran general, shell shocked. His recounting of what he had witnessed is completely devoid of his trademark snark and racism, driving home just how abominable what transpired must have been.
  • You are but a simple orc, or sick Undead, but you have been invited to have tea with the Empress herself! What a good day! However, when you go for sip of what you think is tea, a sharp pain raises through your gut. Suddenly you are helpless, only able to watch as your body begins to collapse upon itself. Every fiber of your being crumbling to dust, and all you can do is wait for deaths embrace....but it never comes. When your body, who you are, dissolves away till there is nothing but dust, you are left, not alive, but not dead ether. You have been rendered into nothing more than a soul, you cannot touch, cannot feel, and may not even be able to speak, but you can see and hear everything...
