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Nightmare Fuel / Das Boot

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  • This movie does a great job at capturing the terror of World War II naval warfare, making people never, ever want to set foot on a submarine (or at least a submarine of that era with none of the safety, air-conditioning and spaciousness of the more recent nuclear energy-powered ones). Ever. The whole situation is basically this in-character for Werner, to boot.
  • The depth charges, whenever the U-96 gets spotted by Allied destroyers. Each one of them can spell Death from Above for the submarine's crew.
  • There's one particularly bone-chilling shot: the Captain gently pivots the periscope, looking over the dark sea, knowing a destroyer is out there, the last wave laps and then... Wham Shot. It's almost on top of them.
  • The ASDIC, the Allies' proto-sonar, with its creepy pings heard through the submarine's hull.
  • One particular incident is this in-character for many of the characters; when the U-96 surfaces to behold its handiwork in torpedoing a tanker, they get to see many of the crew on fire and leaping into the sea, where they are guaranteed to drown, and U-96 is under orders not to render any aid (with all the burning petrol it's questionable if they could have gotten close enough to do so anyway - and they didn't have really any extra room or provisions to spare at that). They eventually watch the sea surface fire engulf the survivors and burn them alive. This shakes many of the crew deeply, even though they had intended to revel in their success.
  • There's a really good reason why the Captain-Lieutenant went easy on Johann after his breakdown.
    Heinrich: How many war patrols for you?
    Johann: This is my ninth.
