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Nightmare Fuel / Allegro non Troppo

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  • The Bolero piece introduces bizarre parodies of life. At the end, they pretty much get forcibly transformed into construction equipment by the evil ape. The chilling close-ups and bombastic music don't help at all.
  • The segment for Stravinsky's The Firebird (more precisely, "The Princesses' Khorovod" and "The Infernal Dance of King Katschey") opens with a lump of clay being sculpted into a few deranged false starts at life with awkward limbs before settling on Adam and Eve, who then transform into cel animation. As in Genesis, the serpent appears to tempt them with an apple representing knowledge, but when they refuse, the serpent eats the apple instead. He immediately falls asleep and is thrown into a nightmarish hellscape of demons and corrupting influences (such as sex, drugs, violence, and material wealth) that cause him to sprout arms and legs and don a suit and hat, which he is still wearing after he wakes up. He tries telling Adam and Eve about his dream, to little interest, after which he sheds the suit (but not the hat) and throws up the apple, still intact.
