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Newsletter / News2010-07- 23

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Worry no more: Trope Report is here.

Because no one should have to work on the second full week of July the entire Trope Report staff went on vacation! Beaches and waves for us, whoo! Duty calls though and we return to bring you this week's news from around the site. First of all though, due to time constraints we are officially moving our publication day to Friday. So come here at the beginning of the weekend to get the latest on what is going on. With that out of the way let us proceed to the real meat!

Since last week was a vacation, we have twice as many new forum users to introduce. More people to say hello to! To start off, say hi to:

rac 216, thawkins, Bundleof Joy, Ch♦kwa (!?),Blindone 230, Handsome Rob, The Dog Sage, Shadow Knux 372, Uniswift 87, Scrittah, Voltech 44, Zero Potential, Chaostryke,, Go Ask Alice, Outrageous, sca punk, Roflcopter 419, Nasty Butler, Chief Chef, lys, El Saico, Bored Malek, Teh Hurrz, zam, spasticgecko, Assistant Gaiste, Rosa Rugosa, snailbait, jcruz, Marioguy 128, zoeymoe, and Cream!

That seems to be a lot even for two weeks. Oh, well. Welcome one and all to the forums!

The most important part of the newsletter, the changes! The cuts and merges and splits and rewrites we love to argue over. Here they are.

Spotlight Stealing Trope:
There are many environments that people don't like. Plains and meadows are boring, deserts are unbearably hot, cities are loud, you get the idea. But swamps are different, Swamps Are Evil. There are few other areas in the world that people dread going into like a swamp. The dark, wet, foggy, slimy swamp where alligators and zombies lurk in more fantastical works and alligators and mosquitoes in the more mundane.

That is the trope Swamps Are Evil. Swamps are indeed filled with all sorts of nasty and dangerous critters and getting lost in one is hardly the hardest thing to do. It does not take much more to make the place even creepier. Voodoo witches, the undead, and the bones of those who never got out seem to do the trick though. Thus, this trope is mainly one of fear and being uncomfortable and on edge.

This is the prime place for the heroes of a story to end up. Everyone has to go through a swamp at some point for dangerous mishaps either to get somewhere or to avoid someone. The Lord Of The Rings has Frodo go through a swamp to get to Mordor (Out of the frying pan and into the fire on that one). The Patriot has the militia led by the "Ghost" hiding in the swamp to avoid the British Army they harass. Expect old legends of monsters to be told by an elderly hermit before entering.

Common is just about every media save music. This is Swamps Are Evil. Remember those wooden signs that say "Stay Out of The Swamp!"? Better listen to them.

Needs More Love:
The Analysis/Analysis section needs more love! You know about the Analysis section, right? It’s the one with the little magnifying glass as its icon. From the page, Analysis pages are, "Thoughtful essays on how certain works were constructed and how they employed tropes to get the job done. The usual light TV Tropes style and tone are used, with less emphasis on silliness and more on balanced examination."

This is just like It Just Bugs Me, Wild Mass Guessing, and all those other extra sections but this one seems neglected. Not even 40 works have Analysis pages. Compared to the hundreds or so for the other sub-wikis? Really, Tropers? We can do better! Flex those critically dissecting eyes and minds of your and get busy!

Add More Here:
That’s a wrap for the beginning of our Friday schedule. Bwaaahh! They Changed It, Now It Sucks!! The staff has to get up on Fridays now! And they have to eat lunch on a schedule! What about our cartoons? What about our freedom? What about our needs?

See you next week!
