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Manga / Dorei Shouni Shika Sentakushi Ga Nai Desu Yo

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Meet the two neophyte slave merchants.

English Title: Only the Slave Merchant can choose? Harem, what's that, is it delicious?

Zeolith is a young man from a backwater town who just recently came of age, and is required by law to go to Academy to learn his [Title] and be trained in the profession best suited for it. Now while anyone can take up a profession that doesn't fit the title, they won't be good at it. At the academy he learns that he has four gods-given problematic titles: The Hero, should this title become public, he'll be conscripted into the army and used as a disposable weapon of mass destruction. The Sage, with this one public, he'd be locked up in a tower, movements monitored and heavily restricted. The Demon Lord, he'd be exiled from human territory, at best. Lastly, the deeply despised, for good reason, Slave Merchant. While pondering his options, elf noble Palastis Murdy comes forward and proclaims her title as Slave Merchant, so he does too. Hijinks Ensue.

Includes the following tropes:

  • All Crimes Are Equal: The punishment for any crime is slavery. Slaves who won't sell are shipped off to the mines, to work there until they die.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Subdued, but present. First day of class, Zeolith is harassed by a couple of pretentious "noble" girls, both for having the "Slave Merchant" title and being a commoner, until Palista shuts them both down, hard.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Zeolith is a sweet, sensitive, and very gentle boy. He's also a magical and martial powerhouse who will hunt down and deliver swift and fierce retribution to those who hurt, or worse kill, those he cares about.
  • The Call Knows Where You Live: Zeolith would like nothing more than to sit on a hillside, watching the world go by and daydream. The world refuses to let that happen, throwing one crisis at him after another.
  • Child Prodigy: Zeolith mastered magic the moment he was old enough to pick up a book and read it.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Zeolith's greatest magical aptitude is for "Dark" magic, but he's a good and morally upright individual.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: If the ladies in Zeolith's sphere of influence think he's slighted them, no matter how minor, they will come at him with weapons and magic that have killing intent behind them.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Despite having aptitude as a slave merchant, Zeolith is of firm moral fiber. Harm those he cares about, then boast about it, and he will have no problem ripping out your soul!
  • Mugging the Monster: Nobody ever expects the meek, mild, humble, and easily kowtowed (by his lady friends) Zeolith to be a martial and magical powerhouse that can destroy an entire village if he so desires, until they go and provoke him, so they go and provoke him to learn, too late, that they're in way, way over their head, his mercy being the only thing keeping them alive.
  • Oxymoronic Being: Zeolith has all four of the listed titles, including both "Hero" and "Demon King", simultaneously, he chooses to only reveal his "Slave Merchant" title because it's the least problematic.
  • Running Gag: Zeolith often has the women he cares for come at him with weapons for any and all slights, and he kowtows immediately even though he could easily take them down.
