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This is an index for tropes about birds in the waterfowl family (including ducks, geese, and swans).

Sub-index of Avian Tropes. Despite the names, Wild Goose Chase; Duck Season, Rabbit Season; Peking Duck Christmas; Like a Duck Takes to Water; Swan Song, and Shapeshifter Swan Song do not belong here.


  • Aquatic Hadrosaurs: The inaccurate and outdated depiction of hadrosaurs A.K.A "duck-billed dinosaurs" as aquatic animals, often portraying them as the prehistoric equivalent to ducks.
  • Duck!: Use of two senses of "duck" for humor value.
  • Foul Waterfowl: Ducks, geese, and/or swans are portrayed as unpleasant.
  • Noisy Duck: A duck is loud and annoying.
  • Penguins Are Ducks: Penguins given attributes of ducks due to confusion between the two.
  • Puzzling Platypus: The nature of the duck-billed platypus's characteristics (seeming like a combination of a duck and beaver) is depicted as confusing or nonsensical.
  • Quacking Up: Humorous or lighthearted depictions of ducks.
  • Semiaquatic Species Sailor: Semi-aquatic anthropomorphic animals such as ducks are portrayed sailors/pirates/captains.
  • Swan Boats: Riding swans, having swan-shaped boats or boats pulled by swan represent love, romance, leisure or art.
  • Swans A-Swimming: Swans in fiction are elegant, gentle creatures.

'Til the very next day. (Bum bum bum bum ba-bada-dum)
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man running the stand,
"Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
