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Evil Only By Association

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Some tropes are not good or evil by definition, but tend to be associated with evil more often than not anyway. This is because the tropes use traits that are scary or stereotypically evil to most people.

A trope being on this index does not mean there are no good or neutral examples of the trope, just that most of the examples are likely going to be evil.

Please note that this index is about how the media uses these tropes, not how people on this website use them.

See also Hitler Ate Sugar, a trope where something innocent or mundane is labelled "bad" because a bad person does it, Everybody Hates Hades, when a deity relating to death is treated like a villain because death is a Primal Fear, and Hidden Evil, for tropes about things that don't look evil but are still evil. Also compare Bad Powers, Bad People (and contrast Bad Powers, Good People and Good Powers, Bad People)

Please provide context for each example. We want to know what it is about each trope that gets stereotyped as "evil."

