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Erotic Fiction

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"Erotic", derived from "eros", Greek for "sexual desire", is an adjective used to describe something that can be considered sexy or sexually explicit. When a work of art or storytelling medium has explicit sexual content, then that work is itself erotic.

This can qualify with Porn with Plot and Porn Without Plot, though most chafe if you call it "porn".

Since all examples have Explicit Content, they are all Not Safe for Work and thus must be examined with discretion. TV Tropes cannot be held responsible if your mom catches you perusing.

This index has a small number of folders due to most other mediums having their own indexes / pages, as listed in the floatbox to the right. For the non-obvious ones, Ecchi and Hentai are for Anime and Manga, while Lime and Lemon are for Fanfic, with the Definition-Only Pages being for the most explicit tiers.

Examples include:

    open/close all folders 
    Comic Books 

    Live-Action TV 


