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Endless Daytime

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"Betafarl has perpetual day, did you know? It never sleeps. Perpetual light. All that energy. There are times when I miss the darkness. It is hard to live always in the light."
Warlord Zukan, Blake's 7

Sometimes the night just won't come. The daylight never ends, possibly because of an unusual planetary alignment, solar phenomenon, or even because of a kind of phlebotinum that is actually preventing the day from ending.

Powerful beings will occasionally threaten to invoke Endless Daytime as a punishment or a show of power. This is uncommon, though, and when this does happen, it's more in the vein of "Hah! Look what I can do!" rather than "You'd better do what I say or else". This likely has to do with the fact that humans are generally diurnal and psychologically associate daytime with positive things like warmth, happiness and growth. In fact, it's far more likely for godlike beings, the Big Bad, Sufficiently Advanced Aliens, and Eldritch Abominations to attempt to bring on eternal night instead.

Really long daytime hours are a staple of Science Fiction. The causes of the everlasting daylight could be anything from having multiple suns to having a Hollow World with a sun in the center. On Earth there is a phenomenon that causes up to several months of nonstop sunshine in certain parts of the world, but this is rarely used as a setting in Science Fiction. A common explanation is a Tidally Locked Planet, where one side of the planet will be in perpetual daytime while the opposite will be true of the other side.

Contrast The Night That Never Ends, which is the inversion of this trope, and Always Night, where daytime happens, just not onscreen (scenes only taking place in the day is not tropeworthy). This trope is not about Video Games where all levels are always illuminated by midday sun, regardless how long you stay there; see In-Universe Game Clock.


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    Anime & Manga 
  • In Dragon Ball Z, the planet Namek has three suns shining on it from all sides, keeping it in perpetual daylight. The same goes for the Supreme Kai's planet, which has even more suns.
  • The Cat Kingdom in The Cat Returns experiences perpetual noon. This is because the kingdom is its own mini-dimension (explicitly stated in the manga to be the cats' spirit realm), and time passes normally outside of it.
  • In One Piece, the judicial island Enies Lobby is always in the sunlight at all hours of the day or night, which is the reason for its nickname of "the nightless island". It's referred to as a type of island, one of many forms of Weird Weather in the Grand Line, suggesting there are other islands which never have night either.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, while the heroes are traveling through the Saudi Arabian desert, they discover that the sun is continuing to brightly blaze despite it being 8 PM. Turns out it's not actually the sun that's shining, but a powerful enemy Stand; as soon as the user is defeated, the night sky becomes visible.

    Asian Animation 
  • Season 8 episode 33 of Happy Heroes takes place on Peace Day, meaning that for 24 hours anyone seen fighting will be arrested. Big M. has Huo Haha cast a spell on the sun to keep it from setting and thus making it so that Peace Day never ends. Not only are the Supermen forced to "fight" Big M. and his group peacefully, but the spell weakens Huo Haha since he absorbs moonlight to power his magic.
  • In Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Joys of Seasons episode 13, the sun apparently has a family that plans a reunion, and their presence in the sky causes it to become bright as day at 3:00 in the morning. Weslie mentions the suns will be around for the next few days, an unhappy announcement for Paddi and Wolffy since they just want to sleep.

    Comic Books 
  • Angel: After the Fall: The comic has LA in hell, with both sun and full moon up at the same time, which makes things interesting for werewolves. And vampires. And, well, it's hell.
  • Dungeon Twilight: The Great Khan stopped the planet from spinning, making half of the world this and the other an Always Night with the Twillight being the Great Khan's kingdom. The always day region is a gigantic desert where people are sent to die.
  • The Warlord: Skartaris is a Hollow World lit by a central sun and as such has no equivalent of night or twilight, save at the poles at the very edge of the world.
  • White Sand: Taldain is a Tidally Locked Planet, so the dayside, where most of the story takes place, never sees a sunset.

    Fan Works 
  • A common trope in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfics where Princess Celestia goes bad. The eternal day mirrors the eternal night her sister, Princess Luna, created in the show's backstory when she became Nightmare Moon.
    • In Solar Eclipse, Princess Celestia refuses to lower the sun and bring about everlasting day.
    • Corona Blaze does the same thing by subjecting her to the same transformation that befell her sister.
    • In Sunshine and Fire, a handful of characters end up stranded in a parallel world where an evil Celestia, known as Daymare Sun, began an eternal day a thousand years ago. Nobody in that world even has a concept of the night, let alone knows the word, and most of the planet has been turned to desert.
    • Shadow of the Sun includes this, although what this actually means as far as Celestia's status remains a mystery through AT LEAST halfway through chapter two.
    • A variant occurs in Twilight the Terrible, where Twilight receives Celestia's powers, but doesn't know how to use them. It's also more technically Endless Twilight, as while the sun is always visible, it's also always at the edge of the horizon, which means plants don't get enough sunlight and it's always cold, making this an odd mix of being this trope with the effects of The Night That Never Ends.
    • Specifically Averted in RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse. Corona doesn't want to bring about eternal day, she wants to rule every last detail of her ponies' lives.
      • This is heavily implied to be due to the differences in why the sisters fell. In the Celestiaverse, Luna felt that nopony appreciated her night, due to everypony's habit of sleeping through it, and so Nightmare Moon wanted to make the night last forever so ponies would have no choice but to appreciate its beauty. By contrast, Corona was driven to madness by the stress of trying to protect all her ponies from the evils of the world, until she snapped and become the Tyrant Sun, seeking to rule every detail of her ponies' lives so she can ensure that they are never in any danger from anything.
    • A non 'evil Celestia' version of this happens in Antipodes, where the princesses disappear, locking the sun and moon in the sky, leaving half the planet a desert thanks to this trope, and the other half a frozen wasteland due to The Night That Never Ends. Only a narrow strip of land known as the Temperate Zone can support ponykind.
  • The mirror world in In the Eye of the Beholder is almost always perpetually sunny no matter the time of day outside.
  • In Judgement Day (Dragon Ball) it's always daytime in Fighter’s Heaven since there's no sun and the realm has constant light through unexplained means.
  • Ultra Fast Pony:
    • The episode "Ponynet Fight!" uses a "14 hours later..." transition card six times, and it remains day after every transition. It seems like a random joke at first, until the characters wonder aloud why the sun hasn't set yet. Twilight Sparkle realizes it's because of the two royal sisters who control the cycle of day and night; one of them's been kidnapped and the other is being lazy.
    • In "Purple Party Pooper", it happens again. This time, Princess Celestia is deliberately extending the day because it's her birthday.

    Films — Live-Action 
  • In Chaos Walking (2021) Viola remarks that the sun never seems to set on New World and it indeed remains daytime for the entire movie. In a deleted scene, Todd says that the only time he remembers the sun setting was ten years ago, which lasted months and killed off a lot of their crops.
  • Insomnia, like its Norwegian original, takes place in a small community above the Arctic Circle during the summer, when the sun never sets.
  • In Last Night, some sort of unspecified disaster is about to end the world and as a result, the sun never stops shining.
  • Midsommar: Due to the high latitude and it being midsummer, "night" in the Hårga village is only a brief period of twilight. The sleeping quarters have black-out shutters to help the villagers sleep.
  • The planet the protagonists crashland on in Pitch Black orbits three suns, such that it is always sunlight except once every 22 years, when the three suns line up and are simultaneously eclipsed. Bad things happen at that time. Guess what they land right in time for?

  • There's an old Italian folktale where the hero makes a bet with his brothers-in-law that the Sun will set at midnight. They laugh, and are glad to get all his stuff, but the hero made a deal with the Sun, and the Sun doesn't set until well past midnight.

  • In Michael Moorcock's A Cure For Cancer, the villain's attempts to impose more order on existence causes this.
    "The sun hasn't moved for an— for some t—" Mitzi gave up. "It isn't moving."
  • In Larry Niven's Draco Tavern series, the home planet of the alien Chirpscithra is tidally locked. The species evolved in the "twilight region" around the planet's terminator zone.
  • Sparhawk accidentally causes this in The Elenium, when he uses Bhelliom to help him catch up with Martel … but leaves the method up to the Troll-Gods. The method employed was Time Stands Still, as when the enchantment was removed about two days later (when an enemy actually managed to chase them within) no actual time had passed in the interim. Still, because of when the enchantment had been invoked, it was the trope for Sparhawk's party.
  • Beasts of Gor takes place in the far northern region of the planet, which has long times of sun and no sun respectively.
    "Come along," I said to Poalu. "It will soon be dark." That was true. In a few weeks the Arctic night would descend.
  • Isaac Asimov:
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Ministry of Love is also known as "the place where there is no darkness": there are no windows, and the lights are never turned out, so there is an artificial endless daytime inside.
  • The Pellucidar novels are set in a Hollow World that has a sun at the center. Thus it is always noon in Pellucidar, no matter where you are.
  • In Pyramids, after Reality Goes Out To Lunch, the competing sun gods turn the sun's arc into something akin to a spirited ballgame.
  • Ciaphas Cain: In The Traitor's Hand, all the action happens on a tidally locked planet (though Cain's regiment, made of Valhallan ice warriors, mainly operates on the "dark" side).
  • Shadow of the Conqueror: The sky is bathed in eternal light and it never becomes night. When there is a night, the night lasts for decades and monsters called Shade come out.
  • The Space Odyssey Series:
    • In 2010: Odyssey Two, monoliths self-replicate inside Jupiter, causing it to reach critical mass and become a star. This defrosts Europa, a tidally-locked moon of Jupiter, allowing it to support intelligent life. This also makes the other moons of Jupiter habitable to humans.
    • 2061: Odyssey Three reveals that due to the appearance of the second sun in the sky, because its far orbit meant Earth now often had a literal midnight sun, several species of nocturnal creatures on Earth ended up going extinct, while others suffered a period of disorientation before they eventually adapted.
  • In the Millennial Kingdom in the Left Behind book Kingdom Come, there's still a morning and an evening, but the only difference is that the evening sun is less bright than the morning sun.
  • In the Earthsea book The Farthest Shore, one of the backstory's greatest heroes, Erreth-Akbe, is said to have gained eternal fame by defeating a being (a mage or possibly a dragon) called the Firelord who sought to stop the sun at noon so that there would be light unending.
  • The planet Chiaros IV, in Section 31: Rogue, is tidally locked, with endless day or night depending, naturally, on which side you're on. Life exists on the twilight band.
  • In The Silmarillion, Endless Daytime was the original plan for Middle-earth, lit perpetually by the cosmic lanterns Illuin and Ormal. After Big Bad Melkor destroyed them and plunged Middle-earth into The Night That Never Ends, the godlike Valar fled to Aman which they lit with the miraculous Two Trees of Light. These, like the Lamps before them, never went dark (although they did periodically fade into a twilight-like state) and so Valinor had Endless Daytime.
  • In the Great Ship novel The Memory of Sky, the Hollow World is perpetually lit from below, though the light output varies as the hydrogen-breathing plants in the lower section of world (where the sun is) expand exponentially over the course of hours (darkening the world) before igniting into a blazing inferno, wiping everything clean at "noon". In the climax, when the light is shut off, the human population goes into a wild panic
  • One of the Floating Continent fragments Beorn visits in The Shattered World is a non-rotating one, so this trope applies. Thanks to the unfailing sunshine, it's covered with an impenetrable jungle of over-sized vegetation.
  • Villains by Necessity: As the forces of Light continue to spread unchecked through the world, it moves closer and closer to endless day. By the end of the book, the world is sunny and bright in spite of it being eleven at night. This only reverses after the Dark Gate is opened and saves the world.
  • Half of Earth is heading for this in The Age Of Miracles. The days get longer and longer and as the novel ends, people realize that before long, there won’t be any night at all.
  • In The Nevernight Chronicle the three suns only set every two and a half years during a week long period know as True Dark
  • A humorous example in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: On Ursa Minor Beta it is always a Saturday afternoon just before the beach bars close, except in a few places where it is Saturday evening just as the nightlife is getting into full swing. Possibly one of those custom-made luxury planets the Magratheans are so famous for.
  • Star Wars: The Expanded Universe establishes that Ryloth, the Twi'lek homeworld, is a tidally locked planet.

    Live-Action TV 
  • One episode of Northern Exposure (set in Alaska) takes place during the Midnight Sun. People go a little crazy. er.
  • The Orville: In "If the Stars Should Appear", the crew encounter a Generation Ship whose inhabitants have forgotten they're on a spacecraft. The ship has artificial lighting which runs constantly, so there's never any night. Once the crew reaches the bridge, they discover that the dome is designed to be retracted to reveal outer space in order to give the inhabitants a day-night cycle, and activate it so the people will see the reality of their existence.
  • Stargate SG-1: In "The Broca Divide", the heroes visit a planet that is tidally locked. While the inhabitants of the "light side" have a Bronze Age culture bearing similarities to the Minoan civilization, the dark side is infected with a plague that turns people into savages.
  • The Twilight Zone (1959):
    • In "The Midnight Sun" the Earth is spiraling closer and closer to the sun, and it is perpetually day. Except it turns out that the main character is dreaming, and the Earth is actually spiraling away from the sun and freezing.note 
    • "On Thursday we Leave for Home" is set on a planet with two suns that make for a barren, inhospitable world for a marooned colony.
  • When the cosmic balance is thrown off in Charmed, the main and predominantly good universe becomes too good. One of the side-effects of this is that it is always sunny, with everyone being repulsed at the mere thought of the sun going away for any length of time.
  • Midnight Sun (2016): As the title suggests, the series takes place in Kiruna, Sweden during the midnight sun, where it won't ever become dark outside until autumn which is several months away. Kahina, a French police detective visiting, has a very hard time adapting.
  • Willow: There's no night in the Immemorial City, so Airk can't tell time while there. As the heroes cross the Shattered Sea to rescue him, they note that the days get longer and the nights shorter as they draw near it.

  • Ozzy Osbourne: "Waiting for darkness, you gotta believe, you gotta believe it's true — I'm waiting for darkness, I just can't conceive why darkness is overdue..."

    Myths & Religion 
  • The Bible:
    • God causes the sun to stay stationary in the sky for a day until the battle between the Israelites and the Amorites is over.
    • There's constant daylight in the New Jerusalem because the Lamb produces the light.
  • In The Book of Mormon, as a sign of Jesus Christ's birth the Sun sets but it doesn't become dark.
  • In Melanesian mythologies it is common for there to have always been day before night was introduced. For example, in the Banks Islands there is a myth where the folk hero Qat retrieves night from its land for the benefit of our world, because everyone was tired and bothered by the heat.
  • According to The Qur'an, Heaven does not know night. It is daytime forever.

    Tabletop Games 
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Planescape has Krigala, the first level of the Beastlands, which in an eternal afternoon. The only way to mark the passage of time is through the gentle rains that occur once a day. Krigala is mostly home to diurnal animals, and the constant heat has covered the plane in a patchwork of deserts and savannahs in the drier uplands and thick rainforests in the more humid areas.
  • Exalted
    • This is the condition in Hell, and since the Demon Sun is made of radioactive green hate this isn't fun. The closest it ever comes to night there are those occasions when the Ebon Dragon (who flies through the skies at all times) briefly eclipses the Demon Sun.
    • In Creation, this trope is one reason for the creation of the moon and Luna, its goddess. The Unconquered Sun's eternal presence in the sky stunted life and caused it to burn up in emulation of him, so night was created to give both the Unconquered Sun and Creation rest, and the moon and Luna were created to be night's guardian.
  • Magic: The Gathering: There are several places where this is the case.
    • The plane of Mirrodin has five suns. There is night time, but it's brief and exaggerated. The only reason this is worth mentioning is the flavor text on Grasp of Darkness.
    • Serra's plane is bathed in the light of a perpetual sunrise.
    • In Lorwyn "the sun never quite dips below the horizon". This is because Lorwyn is the "Day" in a really messed up Day-Night cycle, while Shadowmoor is the "Night".
    • The plane of Amonkhet has two suns. The "normal" sun moves around the day as one would expect, but the Second Sun moves slowly across the sky as it is manipulated by Nicol Bolas. As such, Amonkhet is generally cast in daytime barring rare occasions, to the point that bats can't stand it. At the end of the plane's storyline, it experiences the first night it's had in years as the Second Sun sets.
  • Reign: The sun is in a fixed position in the sky, so you have this trope everywhere that's exposed to direct sunlight, and The Night That Never Ends anywhere that's in shadow or otherwise out of view of the sun.
  • RuneQuest: In Glorantha, the sun stopped in the sky, which halted time. Every culture has a myth explaining why their gods/enemies stopped the sun, and how they or their gods started it again.
  • Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Hysh, the Realm of Light, is naturally perpetually bright. There is a day-night cycle, it's just that instead of becoming truly dark, the omnipresent light dims to a kind of twilight where the moons and stars become visible. Its twin, Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow, is the exact opposite: it's Always Night that sometimes brightens to a mere gloom. The two are locked in synchronous orbit around the other six Mortal Realms and provide them their normal day-night cycles.


    Video Games 
  • In the 24-hour races of Gran Turismo 4 the sun never sets. It's fixed for Gran Turismo 5.
  • Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts is eternally bathed in the afternoon sun. The town sits right in the middle of the Realm in Between, where light and darkness collide, and receives an equal amount of both.
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted, specifically the 2005 version, has a timecycle that starts out in midday, goes to sunset, skips to sunrise, and goes back to midday, in an inversion of Need for Speed: Underground.
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy:
    • Aether from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is a rogue planet with no sun where it is always "daytime" due to a natural planetary energy called the Light of Aether. Though the regions that have been deprived of this Light by the Ing of Dark Aether are covered in a Perpetual Storm.
    • In Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, the backstory of the planet Bryyo reveals that the Magic Versus Science war that destroyed the dominant civilization resulted in their planet having one half perpetually in sunlight (reduced to an uninhabitable scorched desert), the other in perpetual darkness (reduced to an uninhabitable frozen wasteland), and only the narrow border between the two sides is still livable.
  • Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and their remakes Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire do have an internal clock for the sake of time sensitive events and evolutions, but they are the only games in the mainline series to lack a day/night cycle since the feature was introduced in Gold and Silver (discounting the Gen I remakes). Ruby and Omega Ruby also have this as a plot point, with Groudon's power creating an artificial sun that threatens to burn the entire region to a crisp.
  • In one of the Ages of Uru, the sun moves horizontally across the sky, never dipping beneath the horizon as it circles.
  • The world of NieR has perpetual daylight. It's believed that the cataclysm that destroyed the world also disrupted the day/night cycle, which helpfully keeps the Shades at bay.
  • In Dominions it's possible for a sufficiently powerful fire mage to pull this off with the global enchantment Second Sun.
  • In The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Veran possesses Nayru and uses her powers as the Oracle of Ages to create perpetual daytime and manipulates Queen Ambi into making the residents of Lynna Village work on the Black Tower 24/7.
  • While never stated outright, this is most definitely the case with Twinsun in Little Big Adventure, as both hemispheres of the planet are constantly warmed by a separate sun.
  • The first 15 missions in Rescue on Fractalus! take place near the planet's south pole during the summer, so you don't yet have to worry about the sun setting.
  • In the original PlanetSide, it never becomes dark. The sun sets, but the sky remains lit by luminous nebula, ensuring it never goes darker than twilight. Averted in the sequel, which has true night courtesy of an In-Universe Game Clock.
  • In The Banner Saga, this is a major part of the setting that sets morale so low.
  • In Chrono Cross, at one point you traverse the Dead Sea, a frozen wasteland full of objects from timelines longer exist (it's pretty weird). At the center is the town's square and bell from Chrono Trigger, except the sun is eternally just about to set.
  • The angelic plane of Elysium in Nexus Clash experiences endless day, which doesn't cause the problems that one might expect because the god of physics isn't part of the angels' coalition. Its Evil Counterpart, the demonic plane of Stygia, is Always Night instead.
  • The Final Fantasy XIV expansion Shadowbringers involves the Warrior of Light and their companions being transported to the First, an alternate version of Hydaelyn that is slowly being consumed by the Flood of Light. Although the planet continues to turn, what little remains of it that hasn't been reduced to endless plains of nothingness has been completely veiled by a canopy of blinding, golden light for the last one-hundred years. As such, it is constantly a sickly, yellow-tinted "daytime" regardless of the in-game clock - even when the in-game time reaches 6, the time when every other map in the game switches between daytime and nighttime music tracks as the sun sets, all that happens in the First is that shadows are cast in a slightly different direction. The night and darkness have since become objects of reverence and worship, bringing peace and comfort away from the ever-burning light where the Sin Eaters and Lightwardens reside. The plot involves the Warrior of Light finding a way to, ironically, vanquish the Light and thus gain the epithet of "Warrior of Darkness".
    Skywatcher: (if asked about the weather forecast in Norvrandt) The weather...? Have you not seen the sky? Today, tomorrow, and every day henceforth will be plagued by everlasting light.
  • In the Dark Souls series, particularly the first two games, areas being stuck at a given time seems to just be how the game works: Firelink Shrine in Dark Souls is in perpetual daylight, Majula in Dark Souls II has a Scenery Porn sunset and so on. Usually, these are chosen to create a sense of passing time: for example, in II, you go from the sunset in Majula and Heide to night in places like the Lost Bastille and Huntsman's Copse. However, one place where the unchanging time seems to actually mean something is Archdragon Peak in Dark Souls III, where the perpetually blue sky (until you summon the Optional Boss and start a rainstorm, anyway) would normally be fine...except that, by the time you can access Archdragon Peak, all the other daylight areas in the world are lit by a Darksign eclipse that gives them a sky like dimming coals, making Archdragon Peak's endless daytime somewhat jarring.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun: As the title suggests, this is baked into the main story. The characters' city is transported to a strange land where the sun never sets, forcing them to find a way to teleport everyone back home. As the game progresses, the townsfolk slowly start going insane from the unceasing daylight.
  • In Quake II and Quake IV, every level where the sky is visible is lit like daytime, even if you revisit them hours later, in-game. Apparently, Stroggos doesn't have a day/night cycle.
  • Toy Story 3: Played straight in the Wii version, which lacks the time-of-day toggle the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions have and has Toy Box mode permanently set to daytime.
  • In Timecrest, the entire sky was frozen by Chronos in order to stop the meteors from descending onto the world and wiping everything out. As a result, the sky stays in perpetual daytime and many people have never even seen nighttime before. In fact, businesses have been set up to produce an artificial nighttime. That said, when the sky is unfrozen, day no longer is stuck in time.
  • Twilight Town in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is, as the name suggests, stuck in a perpetrual twilight. Goombella theorizes that this is the reason that the inhabitants tend to be rather gloomy.

    Web Animation 
  • Homestar Runner: In the Halloween cartoon "Happy Hallow-Day", the gang investigates why it's still daylight out on Halloween night.
  • Red vs. Blue: The denizens of Blood Gulch (and later Valhalla) occasionally complain that the sun never sets in their canyon. This is mostly a bit of meta-humor pointing out that the maps in Halo don't have a day/night cycle.
  • Shrapnel: A long time ago, the earth stopped spinning, leaving half the planet in permanent sunlight.


    Western Animation 
  • "Beep Prepared" is the only Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner cartoon that averts this trope, in the final two gags (though it was seen in the first and last scenes of Adventures of the Road Runner, a full-length pilot project from the following year).
  • In Twelve Forever, Endless Island has no night time. This makes it look like a very bright, cheery world, but (along with causing clocks to malfunction) makes it very easy for outsiders to lose track of time until it drives them insane.
  • In Pixar short Day & Night, it's always daytime in the scenes shown inside the anthropomorphic personification of Day. Conversely, it's always nighttime in the scenes shown inside his opposite number, Night.
  • Futurama:
    • One episode has extraterrestrial cats come to Earth to transfer all of its momentum to their home planet, resulting in extremely hot weather and perpetual daytime (or night for the half of the planet not shown).
    • There's also the planet from "My Three Suns," where it's rare for all three suns to be down at once.
  • In The Smurfs (1981) episode "Queen Smurfette", Father Time fails to bring the close of the day on Smurfette's birthday, resulting in the day never ending until Papa Smurf brings it to Father Time's attention.
  • The cancelled Sonic the Hedgehog spin-off, Super Sonic Sisters would have focused on Sonic's cousins living on Asteroid 896 where the sun always shines.

     Real Life 
  • Places in the far north or far south such as Longyearbyen, Svalbard or Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station experience a "polar day" during the summer months where the sun does not set, and instead just makes a circle in the sky during the course of a 24-hour day. During the winter months, these same areas experience a polar night.
  • The sunward half of a planet tidally locked to its sun would have constant daylight on the side facing the sun (and constant night on the side facing away). Astronomers used to believe that Mercury was like this, but later discoveries showed otherwise.
