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Literature / Steeplejack

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Steeplejack is a series of YA Novels written by A.J. Hartley.

In the industrial city of Bahr Selehm, he lives in a young girl named Anglet Sutonga, who by profession, does the Steeplejack, that is, the repairer of chimneys and chimneys in the large industrial centers built around Bahr-Selehm, but Anglet is a a very intelligent girl and a skilled Detective, due to her investigative skills ...

Anglet Sutonga, works as a detective on behalf of a politician of the Bahr-Selehm parliament, named Josiah Willinghouse, to solve some cases and to prevent social tensions within the stratified, class and hierarchical Bahr-Selehm society from exploding ...

  • Steeplejack (2016)
  • Firebrand (2017)
  • Guardian (2018)

Steeplejack contains examples of:

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The high society and aristocracy of Bahr-Selehm, who lives self-enclosed and self-confined in exclusive, highly classist and hierarchical clubs, clubs so exclusive and discriminatory, that within them, exclusive clubs for aristocrats, they have a strong sexual segregation, being strongly separated by sex, with areas of the various Clubs, reserved exclusively for men or women ...
  • Badass Pacifist: The main protagonist, Anglet Sutonga, often avoids violence and to fight her opponents, prefers non-violent methods to directly violent methods
  • Day of the Jackboot: Norton Richter, the head of the Heritage Party, aims to take control of the Bahr-Selehm government and to establish in Bahr-Selehm, a racist and xenophobic and classist regime, which aims to hit the poor and ethnic minorities to strengthen the hegemony of Feldish power caste...
  • Diesel Punk: only aesthetic and architectural elements in the city of Bar-Selehm, which follow the 1920s of the 20th century ...
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
    • the social condition of the Bahr Selehm society, follows the English colonial South Africa of the XIX°century, but above all, it follows the South African society during the Apartheid regime and the racial segregation in the South African society in the XX°Century ...
    • the rise of the Heritage Party resembles the rise of Fascism and Nazism in the XX°century and the rise of Populism in the 21st century
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture:
    • The trilogy is set in a fantasy version of 19th-century South Africa and the South African Union of 1901-1910. The city of Bar-Selehm looks like Cape Town or Johannensburg, with some neighborhoods that follow the 1920s, but others that follow the 19th century, with large industrial districts, similar to the English or American industrial revolution, but transposed in South Africa.
    • the Feldensfeld or Feldish or Felden, are the South African White settlers, the South African Boers and the Dutch and British-British colonists of South Africa
    • Mahweni are the Zulu and Xhosa and the African-black populations of South Africa
    • the Lani, are the Hindi, the Indians of India, the Hindi immigration in South Africa of the nineteenth century
    • the native nomadic populations living outside Bahr Selehm, follow the rural African populations
  • Fantastic Racism: The Feldish have created at Bar Selehm, a racist and chaste society, a hierarchical and class society, where the Feldish are the highest step in society and control and hold all the power, economic, political, social and cultural, while the Lani and Mahweni are reduced to lower and second tier castes, the Lani are subjected to slave-like exploitation, while the Mahweni, live outside the cities, marginalized by society ...
  • Fantastic Caste System: The society of this world is socially stratified and divided into Caste social and racial hierarchies.
    • the Feldensfeld or Feldish or Felden, are the South African White settlers, the South African Boers and the Dutch and English-British colonists of South Africa
    • Mahweni are the Zulu and Xhosa and the African-black populations of South Africa
    • the Lani, are the Hindi, the Indians of India, the Hindi immigration in South Africa of the nineteenth century
  • Fictional Political Party:
    • The Heritage Party, a racist Xenophobic and supremacist party whose policies are similar to a fusion of Fascism and Apartheid Regime, with elements similar to Nazism.
    • Josiah Willinghouse's Progressive Party
  • Kid Detective: the Protagonist, Anglet Sutonga
  • Kill the Poor: the conservative political Wing attitude of the Bahr-Selehm parliament, towards low social classes and widespread poverty in Bahr-Selehm
  • Magitek: There are magic and magical powers, which coexist together with advanced Steampunk technologies, the advanced Bahr-Selehm technologies are based on a crystal called Luxorite, all the means, vehicles and technologies of the Bahr-Selehm society, are based on the energy obtained from Luxorite
  • Master Race: like the Heritage Party, believes that they are the Feldish race, believing that the Feldish are the "Upper Race" or the "Elected Race", which would be threatened by the "Lower Peoples", that is, the Lani and the Mahweni
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Norton Richter's political doctrine, conservative politician of the Bahr-Selehm parliament, represented by the Heritage Party, a conservative and Xenophobic party, supported by the upper classes of the Bahr-Selehm aristocracy and by large portions of the Felden Bahr-Selehm population, oppose the poor, the low social classes and the racial and ethnic minorities ..
  • Power Crystal: The Luxorite, a crystal extracted in large mineral deposits and used for energy supply in Bahr-Selehm, which has now become dependent on the energy generated by the Luxorite; which caused a technological revolution in Bahr-Selehm, but caused a hyper-exploitation of the Luxorite fields ...
  • Right-Wing Militia Fanatic: the private militia of the conservative Norton Richter Party, which replaced the police and targets the poor, the Lani and the Mahweni
  • Steampunk: There are very advanced and advanced Steampunk technologies, the whole company of Bar Selehm and "Steampunk" or based on steam technologies
  • The Social Darwinist: The Conservative Faction of the Bahr-Selehm Parliament, who plan to spread a lethal disease in the poor neighborhoods of Bahr-Selehm, to exterminate and annihilate the poor ...
  • War Refugees: In Bahr-Selehm, a mass immigration of Mahweni populations takes place from the northern regions of Feldensland, which are devastated by a war, but the Mahweni immigrants, pour into Bahr-Selehm, increasing social and racial tensions, already strongly lit ...
