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Literature / I Never

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Written by the same guy who wrote Thrown Into Love, Rooting for Romance and its sequel The Birth of Something New, I Never is a Love Actually-inspired fic that's about six plotlines:

  • Elizabeth, eighty-three year old, who is looking for her brother, Alan, who she lost in the war,
  • Pete's plotline, as he falls in love with a guy named Bob
  • Ian and Esmeralda, two friends who can't spit their feelings out,
  • Simon and Lauren, a couple that breaks up with each other multiple times because Simon can't control his temper,
  • Victor and Zoë, a teenage couple that has stayed together since kindergarten, and finally,
  • Jamie's plotline, a guy who meets a girl in the bus, fancies her, but can't say a word to her because he doesn't dare.

You can read it here.

Tropes displayed in I Never:

  • Can't Spit It Out:
    • In two plotlines. Ian and Esmeralda are in love, but they dance around each other - they don't dare to confess their feelings to one another.
    • In Jamie's plotline, he meets a girl in the bus and doesn't dare to talk to her.
  • Moment Killer: Victor walking in on Ian and Esmeralda, when Ian is just about to confess his feelings.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. In Elizabeth's plotline, there are two Alans.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Victor really doesn't have eyes for anyone but Zoë. And it seems to be mutual.
Victor and Zoë have been together since kindergarten, but only later realized their feelings for one another, feelings that were replied. One could, therefore, state that Victor is a Victorious Childhood Boyfriend.
