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Just For Fun / Trochaic Tetrameter

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They're the Rule of Cool-est fighting team!note 
Here is a (mostly complete) list of pages whose titles are in trochaic tetrameter, or in other words, pages whose names can be sung to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) theme song. Inspired by this comic from xkcd.

Either the title or the subtitle may be excluded in order to make the meter work. Exact pronunciations of words may vary slightly, although this page tries not to veer too much into AcCENT upon the Wrong SylLABlenote  territory. Also excluded are redirects and disambiguation pages.note 

Sections split because they're lengthy:

Miscellany categories:

    open/close all folders 

    Indices that fit the meter 

    Those who make the magic happen 

    Others that must share a folder 
Admin Pages in this pattern

Just for Fun (and Darth and Sugar)

So You Want To... (See the Index)

Media Notes

Useful Notes (the final section)
