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Just For Fun / The Six Stats

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A game where we take canon (and fanon) numbers from fictional characters and compare them, inspired by the six attributes from Dungeons & Dragons.

  • Strength — Physically powerful characters, common for brawlers and bodybuilders.
  • Dexterity — Physically nimble characters, common for archers and rogues.
  • Constitution — Physically tough characters, helpful for just about everyone, and a key feature for immortal or determined characters.
  • Intelligence — Smart characters, the definition of genius, and common with certain types of mages or psions.
  • Wisdom — Wise characters, often associated with religion and experience.
  • Charisma — Charming characters, glib and attractive (includes attractive despite their looks).

Stats start with 10-11 as the human average. For characters whose weakest stat ranges from about 1-5, check Dump Stat. Note that 11 on down aren't even listed, as "normal" is just too broad a range to cover. From 1 to 23, stats are "human" levels (1 being the bare minimum and 23 being the utmost attainable after a lifetime of effort and overspecialization), with 18 as the peak of "average human" potential. Anything from 24 and up is considered greater-than-mortal.

In order to list examples on the wiki, the stats have been broken down into varying tiers as follows

  • 12-15 - Above Average. Characters whose stats fall into this stat-tier are better than most "normals", meaning they're better than, say, 50% of everyone else out there.
  • 16-19 - Genius-level. Characters whose stats fall into this stat-tier are considered geniuses, savants, "gifted," what have you. These are your trained athletes, chess masters, etc.
  • 20-23 - Olympic. Characters who stats fall into this stat-tier are pushing the boundaries of "realistic" to the extreme. Expect movie physics to be evoked for physical feats, while characters on the more intellectual end fall into Magnificent Bastard and Manipulative Bastard territories. Olympian athletes are in this range, according to Wizards Of The Coast (the company behind Dungeons & Dragons).
  • 24+ - These characters are just too uber to be real. These are characters who are the paragons of their stats, and who first come to mind when mentioning a stat. Of course, statted characters from e.g. roleplaying textbooks easily go up to 40.
  • 40+ - Cosmic-scale or Eldritch Abomination monsters, demon overlords, The Archmage, and so forth: these kind of epic characters will usually have a 40 strength, charisma, or intelligence respectively.
