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Heartwarming / Wandering Son

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  • In chapter 103, Mako flat out tells her mother that she's a girl, and envies how cute Shuuichi is. Mrs. Ariga's response? Loudly declare her child to be far cuter than Shuu and even offer Mako advice regarding the use of make-up because she'd much rather just see her kid happy.
  • Maho is usually a Big Sister Bully, but she has her moments of kindness, such as when she got mad at girls who were bullying Nitori.
  • Riku and Maho's First Kiss occurs when Riku visits a sick-in-bed Maho.
  • Nitori and Anna having their First Kiss after years of dating. Nitori goes home in a daze afterwards.
  • Nitori telling Mako that she's better than she thinks she is.
  • Anna telling Nitori that she supports her transition and is fine with being in a relationship with a girl at the end of the manga.
