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Heartwarming / Tales of the Unusual

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  • "My Wife's Memories" is this mixed with Tearjerker. While it has elements of the supernatural, the story is mainly one of a protagonist getting a chance to spend time with the ghost of his wife, and ends on a very beautiful Together in Death moment.
  • In "Drawings", a boy discovers a set of strange images made with his drawing glasses. It turns out to be the spirit of the dog of a retired security guard. Once everyone pieces the story together, the security guard is able to find the dog's body, and the spirit follows the old man home.
  • In "Future Spirit", the protagonist is followed by his future spirit, a ghost that signifies that the person in question is about to die, with the only way to prevent his death being a protective ring that he must never take off. Eventually he saves a woman being followed by her own future spirit and soon enough gets her a protective ring of her own. They become close throughout the story and fall in love. One day, she temporarily removes the ring as she is unaware of her power and gets caught in an earthquake, but the protagonist saves her by giving her his own ring and telling it the truth about his powers and the ring. She saves him by giving him her ring which she had in her pocket and becomes the only person to know about his power and trust him about it. They both proceed to have a long life together in a happy ending, a rare thing for this series.
    • Additionally, the protagonist also works with a firm involved in making building structures more secure, in a way to indirectly save the lives of many people in the future.
  • The ending of "The Human Door" where Dyke and Sally are finally free of the door spell.
    • It should be noted that even after seven years, Dyke remained loyal to Sally and even cooked her carbonara (her favorite food) on Fridays.
  • In "Switch", the Ret-Gone of the protagonist's family turns out to be All Just a Dream. He throws away the drawing of the switch that would have made them disappear, looks for a job that would let him spend more time with them, and thanks them for being his family.
  • "Dating a Ghost": After Taehun and Soeun's first meeting, Soeun wears a cap to hide her head injury so he won't be scared. Taehun does get scared and attempts to repel her, but he feels bad and writes a letter to her. When they go on a date, Soeun asks if Taehun would die for her but takes back her question when he gets rushed to the hospital, realizing that he has a loving family. She says she won't visit him again until he actually dies, promising to date him if he's still single when he dies. Taehun is inspired to live his life to the fullest and breaks the record for the longest lifespan before joining Soeun.
