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Heartwarming / Skin Horse

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  • In "My House Is Me", from Whimsy's final message:
    "The world we live in would look pretty dull with just humans."
  • Near the end of "Choose", Jonah (along with the readers) gets a glimpse of his medium-term future with Nera, as we see her blushing on a date at a high school football game, dressed in a Tenth Doctor costume at a sci-fi convention, getting dressed again after they have spent the night together, dressed in a bridal gown at their wedding, and sitting at a computer desk as they settle into married life together. Even though the characters were only introduced at the beginning of the arc, it's heartwarming to see the happy future they will share - although Jonah's overwhelmed "Oh boy." when he snaps back to the present does lighten the mood for the last panel.
  • Dr. Lee, right on the heels of Violet giving her an unwanted kiss, has Violet call out that "You deserve the verbal caresses of a true gentleman" - cue her calling Nick.
  • Tip and Tigerlily Jones finally work out their issues while both low on mojo.
    Tigerlily: Ain't this something. I thought you'd sweep me off my feet.
    Tip: I'm not in peak form. All I can say is I've loved you, completely and without reason, since the day we met. No matter what happens, spending the night with you would be the greatest of honors.
    Tigerlily: Mm. Yet the sweeping still happens.
  • Nick, after being restored to a human body, is incredibly upset at Dr. Lee not only for putting the trigger words in his mind, but also for putting herself in jeopardy for his sake.
    Nick: Why're you smiling?
    Dr. Lee: Because you're alive to yell at me. *she passes out into Nick's lap from exhaustion*
    Nick: Screw it, like I'll ever not be under your control.
  • Nick and Dr. Lee finally work out their relationship.
