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Heartwarming / Milo

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  • When Milo and his class mourn for the deceased porcupine Picpic by drawing him. Also a huge Tear Jerker.
  • Even though it wasn't successful, this attempt at cheering Judith up by Milo was sweet.
    Milo: "Can we be friends?"
    Judith: *shakes her head*
    Milo: "If you want, I can fix your doll for you."
    • In the same episode, Vanessa fixing Judith's doll.
    • This other cheering-up attempt.
      Milo: "Ya see? It's no fun when we're angry. We don't play, we don't laugh. But you know what the worst is?"
      Judith: "Well, Milo? What's that?"
      Milo: "We can't tell each other secrets."
  • At the end of "The Argument" when George comes home with a flower for Vanessa and they reconcile after the titular argument and Milo learns that not all arguments between married couples lead to divorce.
  • At the end of "Milo and the Wild Cat" when the cat jumps on Milo's bed and he finally gets to stroke him.
  • In "Milo and the Mommy Cat", the mother cat gives birth to three baby kittens. We also get to see Flash Back's of Milo as a baby and everyone liking him, which were heartwarming too.
  • In "The Baby", the older boys being very polite to Milo and Lucas and Milo being polite to Lucas. It's nice to see, seeing as lots of shows portray older children being mean to younger children.
  • Milo convincing Lisa that not all boys are as annoying as her Big Brother Bully and Lisa making friends with some boys.
    Milo: "Your your brother. Not all boys are the same."
  • The fact that George refers to the beekeeper as his and Milo's friend within minutes of meeting him.
  • In "The Prank", when Milo is joking around but instantly turns serious when he sees his friend is sad.
  • In "Revenge is Seldom Sweet" when Milo changes his mind about getting revenge on Vincent and learns about two wrongs not making a right and how revenge is bad. He and Judith also clean up after themselves.
  • In "The Bad Mood" when Thomas explains that he was only moody due to his inability to make the tower and it wasn't personal, and then perks up.
  • Seeing Milo and George bonding in "A Night in the Forest".
    • They also bond a lot in "The Spare Tire", with Milo fetching items for George so the latter can change the tire. And despite Milo's finding it hard, he didn't get tired or mad and in fact, he actually quite enjoyed it.
    • And in "Milo and the Attic" when they both play with George's old toy spaceship.
  • Milo's friends and teacher not making fun of Milo (and promising they would never do that) for wetting his pants in "Shame".
  • The Aesop of "The Science Museum" that science is not just for boys and men and that women and girls can be scientists too.
  • In "Judith's House", when Judith learns that you can have more than one friend. That and the fact that even though Judith's parents are divorced, they're still friends.
  • Seeing Elise, Judith, Milo and Thomas sharing their Easter eggs in "Chocolate Eggs".
  • Milo caring about the birds' welfare in "It's Snow Time" and nursing a hypothermic bird back to health. Also George making a birdhouse, Vanessa feeding the bird and Milo saying goodnight to the birds at the end.
    Milo: "Have a good night, little birds."
  • Milo making friends with Tina's little red goldfish in "Milo and the Goldfish". Despite not really knowing how to take care of the fish, he had the best intentions.
  • In "All's Fair", when Vanessa and even Milo (who'd been teasing her before) give Judith a pep talk on how winning and losing aren't as important as having fun.
  • In "Milo and the Lost Chick", when Milo helps Mother Hen find her missing chick.
    Milo: "Don't be worried, Mother Hen. I will help you find your lost baby."
  • Milo and George buying flowers for their mothers on Mother's Day. Milo also wrote a poem for Vanessa.
  • In "Milo and the Elderly Woman", when Milo and Judith befriend said elderly woman and she teaches them the names of the pigeons (Feathers, Cloud, Sky and Sunshine). Also worth mentioning is that they are feeding the pigeons, showing that they care.
    • From the same episode, there's George telling Milo and Judith the episode's {{Aesop}.
      George: "So you don't like it when people are mean but you were mean to that old lady? Interesting."
      Judith: "She's the one who made us be mean."
      George: "Do you want her to be even meaner?"
      Milo: "No, we want her to be a bit nicer. Maybe if we be nice to her, she'll be nice to us."
  • Milo and Luke making a sandcastle together and appreciating teamwork in "The Sand Castle". There's also the fact that once their sandcastle gets washed away by the waves, they're not sad and decide to just make an even bigger castle the following day.
  • The speech that Milo's teacher gives in "Face to Face".
    Teacher: "Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but we should respect other people's opinions. It's fine to say we like or don't like something, but we shouldn't be mean, we should respect that it's their work."
  • In "The Sack Race" when Vincent owns up for shoving Milo during the sack race. Given the fact that Vincent's a bit mean, that's saying something.
  • Milo solving Vincent and Thomas's argument in "The Lost Marble" and Thomas apologising to Vincent.
    • Later when he decides that he should look for the real owner of the marble as it's only fair and Vincent agrees.
  • In "Sea School", when Milo, Judith and Elise stick up for the crab that Vincent was trying to squash. Judith also mentions how she doesn't squash spiders despite being afraid of them and that the teacher says that "every animal, no matter how big or small, is important".
