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Heartwarming / Meet Joe Black

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  • The guy that Susan meets in the coffee shop is incredibly sweet and charming. The scene is just packed to burst with cuteness as they both almost immediately recognize the attraction. It's a wonder she lets him walk away since it's clear the guy's a catch, but Susan is a classy woman who would never cheat so she doesn't ask for his number or anything. Even though he meets a very tragic end seconds later, the scene of the two of them wistfully looking at each other as they walk away is nothing short of adorable.
  • Joe's final words to Susan. And when he allows the guy who was in his body in the first place to come back to look after Susan. Also doubles as Tear Jerker.
  • When Joe first meets the sick old woman from the islands, she recognizes him as Death and asks him to let her die so her suffering will end and she can go to "the next place." Joe refuses, because it's not her time to die. She keeps pleading with him until Joe tells her to close her eyes, which she does. Joe lays his hands upon her, and a moment later a smile of pure joy crosses her face. When she opens her eyes back up, Joe simply tells her "Soon." This scene becomes more powerful when you realize that Joe didn't end her pain; he gave her a glimpse of the Next Place.
  • The little old sick woman's speech to Joe in her hospital bed. Depending on your view, it may also be a Tear Jerker.
    Old Woman: It nice it happen to you. Like you come to the island and had a holiday. Sun didn't burn you red-red, just brown. You sleep and no mosquito eat you. But the truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled. We lonely here mostly too. If we lucky, maybe, we got some nice pictures to take with us.
  • When Joe tells Bill he won't take Susan.
  • Just about the entire party scene full of goodbyes, hugs, and kisses.
  • The scene when Susan realizes that her father is dead, but that she'll always have the good person she met at the coffee shop.
  • Allison's speech to Bill, admitting to him that she knows Susan is the favorite.
    "I've felt loved, and that's all that matters. So, never mind favorites. You're allowed to have one. The point is, you've been mine."
  • Quince coming to Joe nearly in tears about inadvertently facilitating Drew's plan to go behind Bill's back and get him fired from his company. Joe is very kind and gentle with him, even mentioning that he likes Quince, and he tells him to approach Bill with the truth since it's the right thing to do. And fortunately, Bill isn't angry with Quince and understands the situation completely, thus even saving Quince's marriage in the process since Quince is married to his oldest daughter.
  • The first time Susan and Joe make love is absolutely beautiful. It's treated respectfully and given the weight it should considering Death has never experienced love nor pleasure for his entire existence. The score during the scene has to be mentioned, too, for being so lovely and fitting the scene so well. Heck, even their pillow talk afterward is cute as all hell.
    Susan: I like making love to you. It's like...making love to someone making love for the first time. Do you like making love with me?
    Joe: (smiles, nods)
    Susan: (grinning) More than you love peanut butter?
    Joe: (smiles, nods as she giggles) Yes, much more.
