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Heartwarming / Interstitial: Actual Play

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Season 1

  • David Blaine to Criss in episode 9
    David: You think I am the only light inside of you, but there is more.
  • Edith commits to being Larxene's friend hard enough to bring her back from death.
  • Edith trying to convince Tagdegx of her own existence.
    Edith: Being alive? Existing? That's a gift and a half right here. You should fucking own it! I know that it's hard. I know that a lot of people have told you you shouldn't, but goddammit - live!
  • In the final scene, as everyone tries to figure out what to do next, we see that Ennora and Edith have been holding hands since they won back at the castle.

Season 2: Authority

  • In episode 6 of season 2, once the rest of the party reunites with Old Man John Cena.
    Sans: Hey John?
    Old Man John Cena: Yeah?
    Sans: Knock Knock.
    Old Man John Cena: Who's there?
    Sans: Olive.
    Old Man John Cena: *deep sigh* Olive who?
    Sans *tearfully*: Olive you too buddy!
  • In episode 7, after bonding with each other over their shared loneliness, Salem and Old Man John Cena cheer themselves up by cutting wrestling promos with each other.
    • After Sans and Old Man John Cena reconnect with each other.
    Sans: Knock knock.
    Old Man John Cena: Who's there?
    Sans: Needle.
    Old Man John Cena: Needle who, buddy?
    Sans: Need a lil' help getting through.
    Old Man John Cena: Come here buddy. *they hug it out*
    • Atticus and Old Man John Cena bonding with each other, with Atticus expressing fear that John can't run forever and John stating that as long as he doesn’t stop running, then other people won’t have to start.
  • During the Post Mortem, Ty says that after Selina left the group, she would have found Sabrina to pay Salem back for all the help he was to her.

Season 3: Proximity

  • In Proximity #6, Edgeworth and Pidge have a heart to heart. Edgeworth assures Pidge that they remind him of Phoenix, and that when they panic about being unable to focus because of Raph breaking his Bayard, that feeling of unfocus will come and go and that they're no worse for it. In turn, Pidge tells Edgeworth that one of the things that helps them focus is knowing that their friends are out there somewhere, and that they know they're out there somewhere - implying that Edgeworth should contact Phoenix again just so he knows he's okay.
  • Edgeworth decides to retire after one last job, so he gives Raphael a specialized sword to represent his belief that he would be the best leader for the crew. In turn, Raphael gives him a mauve bandana to match his suit.
    • Raphael also tries to cheer Pidge up by making them a new bean bag sewn together from scraps of a bunch that were sliced open. This also helps them have a heart to heart with each other where Raphael genuinely apologizes for stealing all of Pidge's stuff, and promises to protect him.
    Raphael: I don't wanna tell you where you feel like home is, I just want you to know that you are always welcome in this mall. And if it comes to the point when the fucking Babadook comes back in here and tries to take this place from us, that this bean bag store will be my last fucking stand because I want you to have a place to come back to.
