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Heartwarming / Hellfire Gala

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”If you have ears to hear…they are shouting out from every corner of the Earth. No one’s hiding anything here. There’s no shame. No hidden agendas or manipulation…just pride.”
     2021 Gala 

From the Marauders #21:

  • Kate going out of her way to comfort Franklin after the revelation in Fantastic Four that he's not actually a mutant. "Everything works out in the end, bub."
  • Emma invited Sean Cassidy/Banshee to the Gala and, it's implied, to be a part of the Marauders. This is their first interaction after the end of Generation X and both of them compliment each other.

From the Hellions #12:

  • Greycrow encouraging Wild Child to go talk to his ex, Aurora. He might be a murderer, but he's trying to be a good friend.
  • Alex is still trying to get Madelyn Pryor resurrected. He's talked to Xavier and Magneto about it, trying to understand the reasoning. When he talks to Polaris about it, she says, "It's not weird." She understands him and understands why he wants to help Maddie.

From Excalibur #21:

  • Rachel asks Betsy if anyone has asked her to dance without having an agenda. And then Rachel and Betsy dance.
  • Seeing Shatterstar at the Gala just makes Rictor even more sullen, but at the end of the night, after he's used his powers to make Braddock Island, he meets with Shatterstar again and they sit at the beach and talk to each other. "You tell me where you've been. I tell you where I've been. And then we can figure out where we are now."

From X-Men #21:

  • Surprisingly, when Kevin Feige asks Cyclops what his story is. At first, Cyclops says, "It's complicated," but then goes into a speech showing just how much he's learned and grown over the years:
    Cyclops: I was blind. Blind to how the world worked...and then I met a man who taught me to see—see how things really were. I loved him for it. And because I loved him—because I believed in him...and, in a way, worshipped him—I claimed things that he had faith in as my own. He called it his dream. It was a good one. But the world, you see—the waking world—were we all is a killer of dreams. A destroyer of things you believe in. So when I grew older, I realized it was foolish to...deify him. Honestly, it's unfair to expect that kind of perfection from anyone. After all, we're all flawed and imperfect... There is no real difference between any of us. No matter how much we believe the lie that there is. You see, he wasn't a savior. He was just a man—a mutant—like me. And his dreams—which still make me smile to this day—are no more valid than anyone else's. Including mine. So what's my story? I'm a dreamer. I'm an X-Man.

From S.W.O.R.D. #6:

  • At the end of the issue, after nearly everyone has left the party, one final guest arrives: the Scarlet Witch, who was invited by Magneto. Wanda says that she couldn't face the X-Men after what she did, so Magneto talks to her about Anya, his daughter who died, and then admits that he still considers Wanda his daughter, too:
    Magneto: But then...then I thought of my children. And how I'd failed them. All of them.
    Wanda: Magnus, I'm not—you know I'm not really your—
    Magneto: I know. But sometimes what is real is not the same as what is true. And sometimes it takes two to pretend.
    [He extends a hand and they dance together]
    Magneto: You are my daughter, Wanda. You will always be my daughter. And I will do what I must to make things right.

From the Way of X #3:

  • Kate helping a very drunk Kurt whereas everyone else was giving him a hard time.
