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Heartwarming / Fraggle Rock

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"It's time to live as one..."
  • The last two episodes. Everything about the message is perfect, it's like wrapping up the whole show in a ribbon, and it's what the whole show is about anyway; everything is connected, everything is magical. Learning Doc's name is a real highlight too.
    Gobo: She [the Trash Heap] wanted you to know: you can not leave the magic!
    Doc: Thank you, Gobo! As a matter of fact, me and Sprocket just figured that out!
    [Sprocket starts licking Gobo, to the latter's delight.]
    • The same can be said for the final episode's special version of the closing theme, where many of the show's major characters (including the Fraggles, the Doozers, Marjory, Philo & Gunge, the Gorgs, and even Doc and Sprocket) all come together to sing the theme song.
    • The final shot of the Fraggle Five dancing in Doc's new second floor apartment.
    • The fact that Doc decides to move—because Ned, his best friend, has to move to the desert for health reasons. Doc would rather relocate to stay with his friend than remain where he is.
    • In the penultimate episode, we see the friendships between the Fraggles and Doozers and Gorgs that seemed impossible in the first season.
  • In the first season episode "Marooned," a blizzard strikes, and Doc and Sprocket see Ned Shimmelfinny's cat, Fluffinella, in the snow, unable to get home due to the high drifts. So Sprocket, despite his dislike of cats and Fluffinella's fear of him, lets her stay with them until it cleared up, even insisting that Fluffinella sleep in his bed while he sleeps in a cardboard box. Fluffinella responds by cuddling against him and purring. Particularly heartwarming is Sprocket's "speech" (communicated "charades"-style to Doc) about putting differences aside and coming together during times of hardship.
    • This is also "the one where Red and Boober are trapped in a cave". That episode amounted to 22 solid minutes of heartwarming Tear Jerker.
  • Similar to "Marooned" is Gobo and Red's interactions when trapped together in "Gobo's School for Explorers." They've been at each other's throats the whole episode, but when they end up trapped together and it appears the only way to escape from the predicament may cost them their lives, Gobo says, tenderly, "It's been nice knowin' ya, Red," and he and Red huddle together silently. It was a powerful moment, and one that, according to Karen Prell (Red), was spontaneous:
    Karen Prell: There were a few other lines scripted for each of us to say at that moment, but the emotions of the scene touched us and we both spontaneously chose to skip some of the talking. Instead, Red and Gobo simply snuggled their heads together, the deep truth of their friendship revealed in a tiny gesture. It’s a microscopic moment that is barely noticeable, but it felt very powerful to us at the time. After that take, Jerry [Nelson] and I just looked at each other and smiled. No words necessary.
  • The ending of "All Work and All Play." Cotterpin, refusing to take the helmet, runs away to learn to be a Fraggle. She sadly returns home after facing the fact that she can never be anything but a Doozer. The Architect, though, offers her a third option: to become his apprentice and do what she loves as a job—drawing.
  • The song "We Are the Children of Tomorrow" gets everybody in the Rock to sing in unison, including Sprocket and Junior Gorg. Sprocket's singing even manages to accomplish what Doc's storytelling couldn't: it perks up Doc's plant, Lucinda, leading Doc to comment about the healing powers of music.
    • The entire finale of that episode ("A Tune for Two") counts as a moment of heartwarming. Not only the song, but Gobo and the other Fraggles siding with Wembley and declaring that if Cotterpin can't participate in the Duet-a-Thon, they won't either.
    • Foreshadowing this is Mokey's song "Time to Live as One" in "The Finger of Light." Especially since Wembley gets one of the Doozers to join in.
  • "I Give to Thee," the "Gorgish Proposal Song" in "Ring Around the Rock." Ma and Pa Gorg sing it to renew their wedding vows on their 513th anniversary, and it's a sweet, tender moment, even if Junior spoils the mood by improvising an inappropriate saxophone solo.
  • In "Let the Water Run," Uncle Matt tells about rain in one of his postcards. In the flashback sequence, as he's being drenched, a little girl comes over to shield him with her umbrella. He gives her a courteous "Thank you." Simply touching.
    • Throughout the episode, Red keeps trying to do everything herself and refuses to accept any help. After Gobo reads Uncle Matt's postcard, she thinks she can restore the water by getting an umbrella. She tries to go to Doc's alone, but becomes too scared to enter the workshop. Then it turns out Gobo followed her.
      Red: Gobo... I need your help.
      Gobo: That's all you had to say.
  • The ending of "Mokey's Funeral," when Red and Gobo realize Mokey isn't dead after all.
  • In "Invasion of the Toe Ticklers", Mokey, while in the Gorgs' garden, befriends a caterpillar-like creature that enjoys tickling her toes. She names the creature Agnes and calls her species Toe Ticklers. While she and Agnes are playing, Mokey overhears the Gorgs' plan to poison Agnes so that the white flowers she would eat will be left undisturbed. Mokey is not about to let her new friend be poisoned, and she picks up Agnes and takes her to the Rock. When the other Toe Ticklers follow, she welcomes them as well—and celebrates their tickling with a song: "(You Were) Born to Laugh."
  • "Wembley's Egg" deserves some special mention, where Wembley befriends a Baby Tree Creature (Bird) and tries to take care of him. And there's "(Sleep by the) Light of the Moon," the Parental Love Song he sings to the unhatched bird.
  • In "Pebble Pox Blues", when Wembley comes down with the titular sickness, Boober decides to forego his germophobia to take care of him.
  • "The Great Radish Caper," when Mokey rescues Junior's beloved radish, Geraldine, from Boober's kitchen, then goes in search of Junior to reunite them.
  • In "Mirror Mirror", Red and Ma Gorg both end up befriending a talking mirror named Mavis on their birthday. Mavis falls off a shelf and breaks when Red tries to get her out of the Gorgs' castle. Red manages to glue her back together, but upon seeing how distraught Ma is over Mavis, she realizes Ma needs a friend more than Red needs a magic mirror. She ends up leaving Mavis with Ma, wishing her a happy birthday.
  • "A Brush With Jealousy": Mokey's song, "Show Me", about her love of painting what inspires her.
    Mokey: [singing] Show me tears in the stones.
    Show me thimbles and thrones.
    Show me things that I long to explore.
    Show me more.
  • "The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles": Gobo and Red find a treasure map leading to the lost treasure of Fraggle Rock, rumored to be one million diamonds. After a harrowing journey into the Gorgs' castle at night to retrieve the treasure, the Fraggle Five open the box and discover the lost treasure is a song which draws all the other Fraggles out into the Great Hall to sing along. It's so touching and so beautiful that even Red, who's had visions of diamonds dancing in her head for the entire episode, isn't at all disappointed.
  • "A Friend in Need": A Fraggle (Gobo) frees an Outer Space creature (Sprocket) who has gotten stuck in the hole in Doc's workshop, with indirect help from a Gorg (Ma), and also ends up indirectly helping another Outer Space creature (Doc). It's an important episode for Character Development, and not surprisingly was one of the episodes directed by Jim Henson himself. Also, Sprocket's barking and howling (in perfect tempo and perfect harmony) to accompany Gobo on his song "Count on Me" is the cutest thing ever.
  • "The Garden Plot": After Gobo is badly hurt in the Gorgs' garden, Red sings the song "Muck and Goo" to comfort him, at Boober's suggestion. Gobo flashes back to when he was younger and sang the song with his Uncle Traveling Matt, and this is followed by Junior Gorg flashing back to when Pa sang that same song to him as a baby. This is particularly heartwarming because it shows a softer, more loving and nurturing side to Pa Gorg that we don't see much of otherwise, especially since this comes in the same episode as "Dum of a Son of a Gun," Pa's musical "Reason You Suck" Speech to Junior. It's evident that Pa really does love Junior; he just doesn't wear it on his sleeve. More evidence of this is in "The Challenge," when Pa mistakenly believes Junior is dead and becomes hysterical.
  • In "Bored Stiff," Junior Gorg finds a dangerous poison called Boredom Juice that paralyzes anyone who smells it, turning them in an unmoving, unfeeling drone who can only say "boooo-riiing." Pa orders him to use the Boredom Juice on the Fraggles, demonstrating with a spray can and hitting Wembley, Mokey, and Red with it. When Junior is left alone, though, he can't bring himself to hurt the Fraggles and dumps the Juice out on a flower instead. That's heartwarming on its own, but what really sells it is when Gobo smells the flower and also becomes bored stiff. Junior Gorg immediately uses the antidote—a peppy song and dance—to cure him, and the two agree to work together to save Fraggle Rock. The episode ends with everyone—including Ma and Pa Gorg—singing and dancing as friends, with Junior admitting that deep down, he likes the Fraggles (especially when he gets to try to catch them) and genuinely doesn't want to see them endangered.
  • Two examples from "The Perfect Blue Rollie":
    • "Pass It On" is about the joy of "giving love away" while passing recirculating gifts of rollies from Fraggle to Fraggle. The song is a major dose of heartwarming, and Wembley's grunting just before the recurring "pass it on" line is adorable.
    • Later on, Wembley leaves Boober's hidey-hole—only to see it beginning to cave in, with Boober still in it. Wembley runs to get his friends, who rescue Boober Just in Time. Gobo tells him he has Wembley to thank.
      Boober: Aww, little guy! [Hugs Wembley.] I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.
