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Heartwarming / Following The Footsteps Of Destiny

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Remember to put in chapter numbers (#) for reference, folks.

  • Any time the older Digidestined are reunited with their partners, which can also lead to some hilarious moments.
  • The messages revealed whenever one of the Digidestined get their Spirit Chips.
    • Daichi—Courage is the fire that ignites the embers of the heart. Bravery is the symbol of the one who wears the mark.
    • Sam—Kindness it the gentle soul that heals the wounds of time. Compassion is the symbol of the one who leaves the past behind.
    • Ryoko—Friendship is the foundation that builds upon a grain of sand. Loyalty is the symbol of the one who guides a leader's hand.
    • Takara—Love is the connection that shatters inner walls. Wisdom is the symbol of the one who gives her heart to all.
  • #65) Mimi finds out that she's pregnant.
  • #80) Ryoko making up with his parents, specifically Matt, after wishing he had been left at an orphanage when he was born.
  • #166) When Sam meets his deceased namesake uncle in a dream.
  • #225) Mimi and Rosa reassuring Yolei that Ken and Sam would get over their problems, which would lead to World War VI.
  • #266) Makku Inoue (Sam's oldest cousin on his mother's side) reveals to Noah (Joe and Jun's son) that he's gay, and that all of his immediate and extended family (including Ken, Yolei, Miya, and Sam) know and are all supporting of him.
  • #271) Noah and Miya finally admitting their feelings towards each other.
  • #312) Dai and Kara finally become a couple.
