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Heartwarming / Deadly Premonition 2

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  • Patricia begging York to save Zach by insisting she makes a contract to protect him. York complies and Zach is revived as "The Woods and the Goddess" starts playing.
  • The ending of the game in which Patricia Clarkson communicates with Zach via facecam about how she's going to restore the Clarkson name and Zach stating that he and York are proud of her that she broke free from her destiny. While they talk, Zach is chatting to someone in a chatroom...York. At the end of the talk, Zach asks York to "Tell E(mily) I said hi".
  • Completing the game returns you to the main menu where there's a picture of Patricia and Zach together.
  • Melvin, upon realizing that he was close to murdering his daughter, sacrifices himself as the boathouse he and his wife are in is about to explode. As he dies, he gives one more of his signature taglines with a big smile on his face.
  • Upon learning from Patricia that Professor R is trans, York goes on a speech saying that it her being trans doesn't make her any less of a human being. Really sweet...until you learn the truth about her...
  • In his dying breaths, PJ Clarkson states he was truly proud of Lena Daunam (originally Leonard Clarkson) but he just had no idea how to cope with having a trans daughter.
  • When Melvin and Candy go missing, Zach comforts Patti and tells her that she can stay with him at the hotel. He even gives her the bed, which she promptly falls asleep on while he looks over her.
  • Just the fact that Zach gets a happy ending this time around. Deadly Premonition was a Pyrrhic Victory at best, with Emily dead and York leaving Zach forever. Nine years were not kind to Zach after the Trauma Conga Line of the Greenvale case, becoming a recluse with terminal cancer who spends all his time smoking in his apartment. The reopening of the Le Carre case not only spurs Zach to action to uphold his contract with Patricia, but it leads to him reuniting with York to finally put Forrest Kaysen down for good. Thanks to a deal Patricia forms with York, Zach recovers from his cancer and continues as something of a Parental Substitute for her. And despite York saying goodbye for the final time, apparently he and Zach are still communicating through text messages.
    • If the director's cut of the first game is to be believed, then Patricia's children refer to Zach as "grandpa".
