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Heartwarming / Bruce Has a Problem

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  • Harley visits the graves of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and promises to be good to their son. It's at this point in the fic that the story goes from in-character crack to a story that genuinely begins to reconstruct the crack pairing of Bruce and Harley.
  • Victor Fries' conversation with Doctor Young in chapter 41 over love, especially given her embarrassment from her having sex with Dr. Resch being broadcast to the Asylum via intercom.
  • Batman's enduring efforts to reach out to and reform all of his Rogues. It's revealed that Alfred Pennyworth is the backer who helped Penguin fund the Iceberg Lounge, Joker's longtime thugs are accepted into the outskirts as Harley's subordinates, Batman always makes sure that Joker and Harley get fair trials and has even saved their lives when they made mistakes placing explosives...
    • Victor Fries gets paroled on a Wayne Industries work release program and is put in charge of research that relates to curing his wife.
    • Pam Isley gets a support network through Harley, Cass, and Tim being her friends and pushing her to be less violent. She ends up creating an unofficial refuge for homeless adults and orphans in Robinson Park and reforms enough to help a pair Drs Young and Resch break into Arkham when Strange goes crazy.
    • Two Face makes a deal with Bruce Wayne after the election fiasco that protects his new girlfriend from legal trouble and gets him put in charge of the Gotham mobs in exchange for cleaning them up (no human trafficking, no drugs, easy on the guns and killing).
  • Cass's extraordinary trust in her burgeoning relationship with Tim. She sends him off as a male Honey Trap to get in with the Bat Freedom Fighters, giving him carte blanche to flirt with a girl who has previously expressed interest in him. Babs and Steph realize she's incredibly entertained by the idea of other girls getting nowhere with him because Tim is that loyal.
  • Chapter 197, latter part. The Bat-clan and the henches are partnered up at various locations, awaiting a possible attack by fake Bat-Demons. The last pair is Cass and Curly, the mook with a stutter. The bonding between the two over their respective communication problems is just touchingly well-done, and makes excellent sense.
  • Starting from chapter 262, the friendship-becoming-more of folding Nika in with Tim and Cass. Nika is one of the A.M.P. victims turned Bat-Freedom Fighters, and met Tim, Cass, Steph, and Damien at the Con when the three girls did a Birds of Prey song together. When Cass is out of town for the first time since she and Tim got serious, she calls Nika and gives her permission to - with clothes on - sleep with Tim because he has nightmares on his own.
    • Nika has the hots for Tim, certainly, but it's made clear that she also is incredibly fond and admiring of Cass. When a newspaper article suggests Tim is cheating on Cass with Ivy, Nika wastes no time in confronting him (privately [or so she thinks, since Cass can overhear anyway] to spare Cass's feelings) and threatening to rip his throat out with her teeth if he can't explain.
  • The Beach Day where the Bat Family and friends just get to de-stress with everyone after the Election arc. Shame Talia has to get involved.
  • Damian's oath. Manly tears were shed and hugs were given.
  • Ivy has a bit of Heroic BSoD that begins chapter 68 with her drunkenly dancing at a chemically-controlled rave in Robinson Park. Black Bat talks her down and they have a talk about her relationship with Harley. Ivy manages to come to terms with some parts of her relationship and the chapter ends with her developing a small crush on Cass.
