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Headscratchers / Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 06 E 15 Honor Among Thieves

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  • So Starfleet needs someone to spy on the space-mafia, near Deep Space Nine. Someone who has experience dealing with criminals, like a constable, and who can also disguise their identity, like a Changeling... of course! Send Miles O'Brien!
    • Odo doesn't do faces very well, and he is too stiff and charmless to be able to insinuate themself into a group. He's also not Starfleet, so Starfleet security has no authority over him. O'Brien radiates working class weary charm, he's Starfleet, and, as they are wanting someone with engineering experience for the specific mission goals, he's perfect in that too. O'Brien makes a lot of sense in ways Odo doesn't.
