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Headscratchers / Proxima

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  • In the end, Sara breaks out of the quarantine to take her daughter to the launching pad, as she earlier promised. What in the name of all the gods? There is a reason for such quarantine: catching some germs and then carrying them up to the space station would be incredibly dangerous for the entire crew, since it would take many days for any outside help to be available (they would have to wait for a proper launch window, properly prepare the rocket and the crew etc. etc.). That was something incredibly unprofessional to do for an astronaut, especially as Sara was shown as a very competent professional beforehand. (Plus, no one notices Sara disappeared for a few hours and for some reason, the rocket is completely unguarded as it stands in the launch pad in the field...)
  • The fanservice. Okay, Eva Green is an eye candy, but this was a bit odd: she gets a part where she can show her skills, playing against type, and she plays a role that does not require sexuality (like some femme fatale type, for example), and still, on two occasions they show her in the nude. Especially considering the writer-director is a woman, this seemed to be forced.
