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Headscratchers / Over the Moon

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  • If Chang'e was so desperate to get Hou Yi back, with Jade Rabbit already working on a potion for it, why announce the competition to find 'the Gift' after Fei Fei takes their picture? Shouldn't the search have commenced before she even arrived on the Moon?
    • On that same note, why doesn't she specify what 'the Gift' is if she wanted to find it before Hou Yi's time runs out? It'd narrow down the search for all the Lunarians involved in the competition.
    • I thought it was implied that Chang'e didn't know precisely what "the gift" was, only that she could sense that Fei Fei had it with her when she landed on the Moon...which is also why she wasn't looking for it before then, because it wasn't there.

  • Jade Rabbit is an immortal being, while Bungee is just an ordinary rabbit. Unless there was something in that lightning-ears potion to make her immortal too, isn’t Jade going to lose her in a couple of years just like Chang’e lost Houyi? This whole cycle could repeat all over again.
    • Jade probably can brew up an immortality elixir to give to Bungee if that becomes an issue, or maybe Chang'e has the ability to make the rabbit immortal using her vaguely-defined goddess powers.

  • Ms. Zhong claimed her family is descended from Hou Yi. Does this mean she put the gift in the moon cake on purpose and is the reason Chang'e was expecting it?
    • I don't think Chang'e is supposed to be that all-knowing, or else Fei Fei wouldn't have needed to explain to her why she made her trip to to the moon, nor would she have needed to send out search parties to find the gift. More likely, Ms. Zhong put the gift in the mooncake because it's some kind of tradition she hoped would win over Fei Fei, with it just happening to be the same kind of thing that was shared between Chang'e and Hou Yi.

  • Why didn't Fei Fei's Dad tell her about Mrs. Zhong until they were already together? This is less of a gripe to this movie specifically but that whole thing in movies and TV shows where the single parent doesn't tell the main character they'll be getting a new step parent/step sibling(s) until right before they get married. Also, why is Mrs. Zhong called MRS. Zhong? She can't still be married or else she wouldn't be marrying Fei Fei's Dad.
    • For the second question, Mrs. Zhong could be divorced or widowed. "Mrs." is used to designate a woman who has been married, even if she currently isn't.
    • As to the first question, without rewatching the movie to see how far their relationship had advanced by that point, Wikipedia says the introduction happens four years after the death of Fei Fei's mother, and that Fei Fei is 13 years old. That strikes me as being old enough for her father to think that she could handle the news with some maturity, especially since she seemed pretty well-adjusted by that point in the movie. She didn't really jump on the "We have to remember Mom" thing until she was introduced to Mrs. Zhong.
    • It's possible they weren't actually right about to get married at the point he introduced her in the movie, but instead were just dating. It could have been serious enough that they were discussing the possibility of marriage, or else Chin just said that their parents were going to get married because he's a little kid who knows what dating leads to, and is excited to get a new sister. As for why the dad waited so long to introduce Mrs. Zhong, perhaps he wanted to make sure that their relationship would actually last before letting Fei Fei get to know her. If he introduced them right away and Fei Fei had liked her, and the relationship didn't end up working out, that's another mother figure that Fei Fei has to say goodbye to. It just so happens that Fei Fei did not like her, and would have needed extra time to get used to her before considering letting her into their family. It was an error in judgment on his part because this is always difficult news to break to a child.

  • If Fei Fei was smart enough to build a rocket to get to the moon, why didn't she stop and ask herself what Chang'e's photo was going to prove to her father? All it would show is that she had a selfie taken with an unknown woman somewhere. It wouldn't show that the woman was a goddess or that it was taken on the moon, or anything she would need to prove the legend was real. Would not have been better to record Lunaria and take the footage back home?

  • I was wondering how did Jade's potion give Bungee her laser ears? Like, was it another potion that Jade Rabbit made? How does it work? How would've it been any different if Jade used the whole thing?

  • How did Fei Fei end up explaining Bungee's disappearance? Bungee ultimately stays on Lunaria to be with the Jade Rabbit, but Ba Ba doesn't know that and could get worried that the pet he and his late wife gave to their daughter mysteriously vanished without explanation.
    • Fei Fei could've explained it as her letting Bungee go free to show that she's moved on from her mother's passing. Or she'd just have to say that she got loose and ran away, since Bungee did seem remarkably free-range for a pet rabbit. It wouldn't be that difficult to swallow, and as long as Fei Fei wasn't too upset over it, it doesn't seem her father would have reason to be.
