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Fridge / Over the Moon

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Why is Chang’e’s hanfu green? In some versions of the tale, she’s transformed into a frog on the moon as punishment.
  • Adding to the above fridge, it's fitting that Chin has a pet frog in his pocket. The frog is meant to signify not only the selfish aspect of Chang'e's legend, but also how Chin's a part of a reality which Fei Fei doesn't want to accept (a reality where her father has moved on). In contrast, Fei Fei's pet rabbit Bungee is meant to embody her more romanticized view of the legend, and her attachment to her mother's memory. In the end, Bungee stays on the moon with Jade Rabbit, representing how Fei Fei's experience with Chang'e has helped her see she needs to move on from the past.
    • Alternatively, Bungee staying in the care of Jade Rabbit and Chang'e is meant to show that although Fei Fei is ready to move on with her life, it doesn't mean she has to forget her mother or neglect her memory.
  • Part of the reason Chin was able to adjust quickly to Chang'e's rigged Lunarian game because earlier in the movie, he is shown hanging upside down at Fei Fei's home and hitting ping pong balls while on the ceiling with ease. He is already used to unorthodox ways of playing ping pong.
  • When Ba ba and Fei Fei were pushing the lily pad away after Ma ma's passing, the father immediately went to comfort his daughter while our protagonist was still reaching out of it; basically, giving the viewers a subtle foreshadowing that Fei fei never moved on and her dad did.
    • Alternatively, it also establishes Fei Fei's character arc: although she'll miss her mother, she needs to recognize there's still people in her life who love and care for her (just as her father was comforting her).
  • In Chin’s ping pong battle against Chang’e, he states that his ability to annoy could be another superpower, and it ends up actually helping him in their match, as he throws her off her game and the ball bends unnaturally around Chang’e’s paddle, leading to his victory. Was it chance? Or perhaps, Chin’s “annoying-ness” is another way of saying he’s The Trickster! Chinese myth has a trickster in the form of Sun Wukong, but he has no notable interactions with Chang’e, so she is unused to this treatment, and as such, Chin wins the game.

Fridge Horror

  • Jade Rabbit is an immortal being, while Bungee is just an ordinary rabbit. Unless there was something in that lightning-ears potion to make her immortal too, isn’t Jade going to lose her in a couple years just like Chang’e lost Houyi? This whole cycle could repeat all over again.
    • Jade probably can brew up an immortality elixir to give to Bungee if that becomes an issue, or maybe Chang'e has the ability to make the rabbit immortal using her vaguely-defined goddess powers.

Fridge Logic
  • Chang’e refers to both the moon and herself as a star that gives off light MULTIPLE TIMES in ‘Ultraluminary.’ She’s a moon goddess; she should know that the moon is not either of those things!
  • Why ‘’did’’ Fei Fei stuff a mooncake (that was probably weeks old by that point) from someone she didn’t want in her life into her bag?
