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Headscratchers / Mega Man 7

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  • The Robot Museum houses the actual chassis of old Robot Masters, yeah? In the first room, if you look closely, you can see Plant Man in the background twice. What gives?
    • I'm annoyed by how they're rebuilt after the games, and yet, are still there. Do they volunteer to stand motionless in the background, or what?
      • Maybe only some hold the actual Robot Masters and the rest are models?
  • Why didn't Mega Man kill Wily at the end? Dr. Light programmed his Robot Masters with Asimov's Laws of Robotics, which means he also included a very important one: the Zeroth Law. This Law states: Any time a human is endangering other humans, a robot is given license to incapacitate the human through whatever means necessary (in this case, incapacitation might as well be interpreted as taking human's life). Wily has been, is, and always will be a threat both to humans and robots.
    • Mega Man actually wanted to kill Wily in both versions. If he wanted to, he could've just somehow manipulated his own programming into allowing him to do so in order to ensure that nobody else would be endangered by Wily's future schemes. Hell, at the beginning of the game, it shows a giant robot destroying quite a bit of the city. It's just sort of strange how people say that there wasn't any way for Mega Man to do the deed when there was a chance, albeit with some creativity on his part.
    • It's possible that Mega Man doesn't have either the Zeroth Law programmed in or the mental dexterity to come around to that answer - and this would make sense, because he couldn't go straight Terminator on Wily's ass, anyway. Light may have been Genre Savvy enough to know that the Zeroth Law is pretty damned easy to abuse by a sufficiently intelligent robot, and thus he favored intelligence over flexibility. In his shoes, anyone would vastly prefer a robot smart enough to find a way to defeat Wily without hurting him (as this already happened in a lot of prior games before) than a robot that might decide that Wily's rivalry with Light is the problem that endangers other humans.
    • Fiction is filled with robots that have rationalized out that the most dangerous things to humans are other humans - and worked from there. Also, while it is stated that a robot cannot kill a human, we don't know if Robot Masters from Mega Man saga are actually Three Laws Compliant, or is there some completely new variant that happens to include "No Killing Humans" protocol.
  • While on the topic of the subject mentioned above, there is also one question: What would happen if Mega Man actually killed Wily?
    • On the realistic side, there would be 'harsh consequences. Mega Man couldn't bear living with this terrible deed - after all, he has the strong sense of justice. Killing the single human being (even if it is his sworn enemy) would predictably make Mega Man a lot worse, thus he would be rendered as criminal and hunted down - just like in case of the Mavericks from Mega Man X saga. Dr. Light would obviously reject him as his "son", because he couldn't comprehend the nightmare behind killing Wily. Bass would be outright terrified - because even if he was angry at Wily from time to time, he would never pull the trigger on his creator.
    • In the worst case scenario, Mega Man would embrace the thirst of human blood. Simply put: his free will would decide that he could do whatever the Hell he wants from now on, so...
