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Headscratchers / Jungle 2 Jungle

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  • How on earth could a 13 year old tribal boy can travel to US from Amazon basin without a visa and passport?
    • He's the son of two US citizens, meaning he's American by birth. It's easy to apply for the necessary documents from an embassy or consulate.
  • How can a naked tribal boy clad in loin cloth come to the airport, board a plane without attracting attention? Which leads to my next question:
  • How on earth did the tribal boy bring an endemic spider from Amazon to US without being stopped at customs?
  • How come a 6 inch blow gun, and a 2 feet bow (Yes, I get that it was pre-9/11, but still...) goes unnoticed in airport scanner and safely transported from Amazon to US ?
  • How come the 12 year Karen would actually kiss a stinking, forever unkempt, gross stuff eating mouth of the tribal boy from Amazon and not possibly be squicked by it?
  • As funny as Michael Cromwell's new name is, how on earth does a remote tribe in Venezuela know what a baboon (an Old World monkey indigenous to Africa) is? There are several [at least 16] primates indigenous to that area such as the common woolly monkey, the red howler, spider monkeys or, if the writers required a better known breed, a few types of capuchin monkeys.
  • Why is Mimi not fluent in English when his mother speaks it fluently?
    • A single parent being fluent in the language is not enough for a child to learn the language. If Mimi's mother doesn't speak it to anyone in the tribe, Mimi will have no opportunity to learn it.
  • Why the hell wouldn't Mimi's mom stress cultural differences to him before he left? Did she just want him to behave jackass to screw with his dad?
