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Headscratchers / Ernest Saves Christmas

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  • Why does Ernest have a schoolgirl outfit for Harmony to wear?
    • They hit a Goodwill on the way over?
    • He probably got it the same place he got his old lady costume and his snake rancher outfit.
    • He, like a lot of other people, also presumed that Harmony was a teenager. She's actually 22.
      • Even if that were true and not just an incredibly obvious lie by a serial liar who lies, that doesn't explain where the outfit came from.
  • If Santa Claus had a name before he became Santa (Seth Applegate), why didn't he use that name with everyone except the people who needed to know like Joe?
    • Would you believe if some random old man with a near-normal name told you you're going to be the new Santa?
    • Additionally, he only refers to himself by that name after he's given his Santa powers to Joe, so being turned into Santa in the 19th century likely stripped him of any memory of his previous identity once he had completed his first international rounds.
  • Why is it such a big deal on the set of Christmas Slay that Joe doesn't want to swear in front of the kids? He could just as easily say "Batch" or "pitch" instead of "bitch" and say the proper word in post-production looping or only say "Die, you son of a" and then fire the gun to imply the gunshot covered up the B-word, Curse Cut Short-style.
