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Headscratchers / Dingo Pictures

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  • In Dinosaur Adventure, why is Tio and his brother a complete different species from his parents?
    • I know something similar happens in some really bad furry stuff, but I can't remember any by name now.
    • The mom cheated on the dad. That's all this troper could think of. And don't you mean Tio?
    • Or their species is simply born bipedal and then walks on all fours when grown up.
    • If we're being completely honest, it's probably just the basic mistake that people who don't know dinosaurs very well often make by assuming that dinosaurs (and other prehistoric animals) are basically all one species, and under that logic you could get just about anything from two dinosaurs having children.
  • In a musical part of Aladin, how the elephant, and then a giraffe fit into the dimensions of the flying carpet? I'm not thinking about their weight anymore, since that's too much for me already.
  • In Dinosaur Adventure, why is Oro disgusted by the fact that some dinosaurs became meat-eaters? He's a T-rex (presumably). T-rexes eat meat.
    • Like with everything else, they just didn't care of it makes sense or not. All they want is to earn money.
    • His exact species also isn't entirely clear. While he could be a theropod (the group to which most carnivorous dinosaurs belong), he arguably looks more like some kind of ornithopod, dinosaurs which did predominantly eat plants. But ultimately I concur with the above, there's not much point in trying to make sense of something that the creators clearly didn't bother to themselves.
  • What gender is Ark (the Triceratops)? (S)He looks like a male, but sounds like a female. The characters never reference his/her gender at any point.
