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Headscratchers / Creed (2015)

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  • Creed wants to be his own man, out of his fathers shadow right? So why does he think the best way to do this is to become a boxer like his father? Give himself a Greek gods name that begins with an A and has three syllables like his father and Wears the same shorts as his father? He started off as an educated businessman recently promoted, had a normal life and a normal name and the world didn't even know who he was let alone his parentage. Yet he resolves to throw all that away and basically mimic his fathers life while all the time complaining that people would compare the two?
    • Because he was lying to himself. Plain and simple. He wanted to do right by his father's legacy, but he was afraid of screwing the pooch and besmirching the family name. Notice how he combined his father's and Rocky's fighting style in the end. He paid homage to both his dad and his dad's best friend in the same match.
    • Adonis is his birth name. He also didn't wear Apollo's colors (either red with white or red, white, and blue) until his mother sent him a pair of the red, white, and blue trunks with both CREED and JOHNSON adorned. In the Leo Sporino fight, he wore white with black.
