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Headscratchers / Castlevania 64

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  • The 'Nintendo 64' games with the enemies that respawn simply because you re-enter a room bugged me. In the first one, the hero sends a young boy into the woods to escape the manor. The skeleton-filled woods. At least in the remake, a plot coupon protects the boy. And the ending to the remake when the bad guys win by stealing the mojo of the wolfman also bugged me. Last but not least, the 'carry the unstable explosives through the gears' thing. One pixel off and you are wormfood.
  • So Gilles de Rais was the servant (the fake Dracula you fought) that the real Dracula (Malus) spoke of. So what was the point of Drac's appearance in Cornell's story? He said that he accomplished his purpose when he was defeated, which I assume was getting Cornell's beast form.
