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Funny / Yojimbo

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  • Black Comedy to be sure, but when Sanjuro's entering town a dog cheerfully trots by him with a severed human hand in its mouth. Sanjuro's low-key Eye Take is great, as is the jolly music.
  • Gonji's perfectly timed Big "SHUT UP!" to the cooper making so much noise next door.
  • Sanjuro watching the two gangs face off against each other in the middle of the street while both sides are scared of attacking first. Even Sanjuro himself is amused.
  • Inokichi tries counting with his fingers, and fails.
  • During the hostage exchange, Yoichiro runs back to his family... and his mother promptly and repeatedly bitchslaps him, yelling about the trouble he's caused.
  • Also during the hostage exchange, Nui is being brought to Ushitora by Tazaemon, and has her hands tied behind her back on a rope so he can pull her along. However, when she recognizes her son and runs towards him, Tazaemon is dragged along the ground after her.
  • Inokichi accidentally helping Sanjuro escape while he's meant to be looking for him.
  • The scene with the two drunken thugs, Hachi and Kuma, fired by Ushitora. Kuma hits Hachi on the head and Hachi starts whining in pain. It's so pathetic it's funny.
  • Sanjuro asks Hachi and Kuma if they killed that lawman for one gold piece. One lifts his hand and says it was for two silver pieces. The other tries to pull his companion's arm down.
  • Unosuke's introductory scene:
    Unosuke: Want to see something interesting?
    (He casually pulls a gun out from his kimono and points it at Hansuke)
  • The "Yay!" that the cooper does when Sanjuro tells him the inspector is leaving.
  • Inokichi and Orin's comically desperate cajoling and bribing to make Sanjuro come and work for them.
  • Any scene with Hansuke, the completely corrupt local lawman, who has let so much of the town fall into the hands of one gang or the other that all he ever does is come out of his office every hour and announce the time. As the climax begins, he steps out to do the same, sees Sanjuro striding down the street out for blood, and promptly drops everything and runs for dear life.
  • When Tazaemon (the Mayor) goes Ax-Crazy and chases Tokuemon with a knife, Tokuemon lets out an inelegant yet funny last scream when he dies.
  • The English dub is no less humorous than the typical Hong Kong Dub of the time, with as much effort to lip-lock as was put in for Speed Racer.
