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    Season 1 
  • Season 1 episode 1: When a Shushu-possessed Grovley attacks Alibert's Inn, both he and Yugo are more worried about the clients who are running away without paying than the giant monster. Not to mention Yugo chastising him like an unruly dog.
  • Season 1 episode 3:
    • Pretty much everything involving the Black Raven between his initial appearance and the fight. Especially the bit where he gets distracted by the critiques of his name, and later when he ruins the reveal of his identity by getting his helmet stuck.
    • Both times Yugo calls at Kabrok’s shop, he absolutely insists on doing so by yelling at the top of his lungs.
  • Season 1 episode 4: One of the princesses asks Evangelyne what her curse is; right at that moment, Eva trips on her heels and takes a long fall down the stairs of the tower. After the crashing noises finally end, the princess remarks, "Wow, that's no two-bit curse!"
  • Season 1 episode 6: Vampyro's flashy entrance. Along with the fact that his weakness turns out to be a Tofu allergy, which causes him to revert into a tiny bat-form every time he sneezes, allowing the team to bat him around like a ball.
  • Season 1 episode 7: At the end of the episode, Amalia offers the others a rose as thanks. Seeing as the whole conflict of the episode was because of a monster rose, their immediate reaction is to slap it to the ground and stomp/whack/shoot the everliving bejeezus out of it.
  • Season 1 episode 8
    • The entire sequence of Yugo convincing his teammates to help Xav.
    • The fact that the episode contains a bread golem. Called the "Breadnought".
  • Season 1 episode 9, "Ruel's Bag":
  • Season 1 episode 10:
    • Eva holding back Amalia while she screams at the shopkeeper.
      Amalia: I am a Sadida princess! If I wanted to, I could buy your whole shop! Even the whole street!
      Meanwhile, Ruel is shouting at the boat seller he's dealing with while being held back by Yugo and Pinpin.
      Ruel: If there wasn't a child here, I'd show you how I use my shovel!
    • Yugo startles Ruel and it's pretty damn funny.
  • Season 1 Episode 11: Percedal managing to escape from underneath the opposing team and rushing over to the goal is initially players as a Moment of Awesome... But then it turns out he scored against his own team.
  • Season 1 episode 12, "Gobbowl Hell III"
    • Jay's crush on Evangelyne in Part III. ALL OF IT: The Ocular Gushers when he's told by Kriss Krass to attack her and his Imagine Spot of what he thinks their wedding would be like (complete with the Gobbowl Announcer as the minister and a suprise obstacle).
    • The backstories the announcer makes up for Yugo, Evangelyne and Amalia: Yugo's a schoolyard bully, Eva's a dancer trying to be taken seriously and Amalia is named after a species of foot fungus. Which is apparently true and Amalia thinks Evangelyne told them about it.
    • After the other team bribes the judges:
      Amalia: Cheating is sport?
      Ruel: In Gobbowl, cheating is normal.
      Sadlygrove: Then why aren't we cheating?
      Ruel: Because we're broke.
    • To get back at Lamechester, Amalia has Az bring Jay (The Dumb Muscle Iop on Kriss Krass' team) a letter stating that Eva will date him if Real Gobbly wins. Kriss Krass' horrified Reaction Shot as Jay obliterates his teammates only makes it better, especially when Jay grabs Kriss and lobs him at the corrupt referee.
    • Kriss Krass's over-the-top imagine spot about losing his standing in Gobbowl, complete with an adult Yugo having two women on each arm.
    • Ruel screwing over the boat seller at the end when he gives him a sack full of kamas that later turns out to actually be filled with brass nails! The real gutbuster is this however:
      Ruel: Row, row, row your boat! Gently down the stream! Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, I got a boat for free!
  • Season 1 episode 13: While this is the point in the season where things start getting serious and most of the episode is shot like a horror movie, there's still a few winning moments:
    • Evangelyne going into an evil laugh when she claims that she'll beat Ruel at dice and make him do all the chores on the boat.
    • After Ruel mysteriously goes missing, Evangelyne suggests that maybe he's just on the toilet. A moment later Amalia screams. Yugo and Evangelyne run over to her to ask what's wrong, and...
      Amalia: I just imagined Ruel on the toilet!
    • Sadlygrove spends the entire episode horribly seasick, and manages to startle Grufon when he appears, who had thought he was dead and thus hadn't tied him up like the others.
  • Season 1 episode 15: After the shipwreck, Rubilax is stuck on a plank in the surf and repeatedly calls to an unconscious Tristepin to try and wake him up. When Pinpin finally comes round and jumps to the conclusion that Rubi was trying to escape...:
  • Season 1 episode 16: Ruel prays to Enutrof for a miracle and promises him to double his offerings in return. Cue a bright light shining down on him from the heavens and a voice saying:
    Enutrof: Two times zero still equals zero. You can get lost, old skinflint...
    • The English version is arguably an even bigger gutbuster:
    Enutrof: Two times zero is still zero. Why don't you try running, you old goat?
  • Season 1 episode 18: When the group are walking through the snow, one set of footprints leads off to the side, to a drawing in the snow and back.
  • Season 1 episode 22:
    • Rubilax takes sight of Goultard, stops right on his tracks and tries to inconspicuously shuffle away while apologizing to him.... while in a massive, demonic sand-worm body. (Then at the end of Season 2, we see why.)
    • When Dally and Goultard meet, Goultard insists that since they're both men, they have to do the "Iop Reunion Ritual", a long and ridiculous dance that involves, at one point, slapping each other's butts.
  • While the credits of episode 26 are mostly heartwarming, there is a few funny moments. Remember those princesses from episode 4? Well, they've finally found a man that suits their standards...and are now fighting over him!

    Season 2 
  • A bath toy Scenery Censor is nothing new, but when the toy in question is a rubber ducky wearing an UNBELIEVABLY smug expression it goes from "run-of-the-mill" to "gut-bustingly hilarious."
  • Season 2 episode 3: Remington Smisse looting every Shushu in sight.
  • Season 2 episode 5: The entire dungeon crawling sequence, particularly the bit at the beginning where Sadlygrove is explaining how he has experience with this sort of thing and tries to give advice, only for everyone else to plow ahead without him... and get turned into pigs. Their embarrassed expressions when they emerge in pig form are amazing.
    • The sheer amount of puns (pig-based or otherwise) made in the final segment must also be appreciated.
  • Season 2 episode 6: Amalia is looking for her father and goes to the garden where he meditates. There she finds Ruel and Alibert, who tell her he's not there while looking nervous and suspicious... and looking panicked at a conspicuous plant growth in the corner that ends up housing the king... who tries to pass it off as a practical joke with fake laughing, along with Alibert and Ruel, as Amalia just stares at them deadpan, not buying it for a second. The best part is the king's "Oh, crap, she found me!" face right after Amalia dissipates his disguise.
    • The bush he was disguised as was wearing his pants.
  • Season 2 episode 9: Rushu, an evil being on par with gods, who only lets the heroes alive to watch them die in a vile entertainment... is afraid of a little cat.
  • Season 2 episode 10: Kriss Krass's trial. Brâkmar's trials are treated like sporting events, with large crowds and people selling souvenirs in the stands. The trial is entirely rigged with Kriss being charged of... promoting Bontarian Gobbowl, a bwork is impersonating his mother, and Kriss' lawyer is asleep the whole time and only wakes up to tell a brief and completely unrelated joke.
  • Season 2 episode 11:
    • Ruel as a cheerleader. Nuff Said.
    • Sadlygrove and Evangelyne who is disguised as a man have a romantic moment in the middle of the boufball field, which mesmerizes the audience and prompts a slow song to play in the background.
  • Season 2 episode 12: The episode opens with Kriss Krass and Maude's backstory, with the team fully absorbed and sharing their thoughts on it, only for Ruel to point out that this probably isn't the best time for that as they are literally about to be beheaded.
  • Season 2 episode 14 has lots of hilarious moments, including the beginning when they learn that the port they were looking for sank years ago (with Grufon asking Eva how he was supposed to know they wanted a working port) and later the interrogation scene.
    • Lady Glagla hitting on Yugo, expecially for the latter's embarassed reaction and Grovy and Ruel grinning like morons in the background.
    • Grovy insisting that the Thief of Voices is the chef of the Inn only because he got food poisoning.
  • Season 2 episode 16: As the team tries to get to the bottom of the cursed fountain's mystery by distracting the amnesiac guardian, one of their attempts out of the blue is to try convincing him it's his wedding with his forgotten sweetheart, complete with sudden wedding attire for everyone.
  • Season 2 episode 18: Ruel glancing back and forth between Cleo and Eva. The family resemblance is obvious, but while Cleo is smiling with open body language, Eva is just hunched over with her arms crossed while wearing the surliest expression imaginable.
  • Season 2 episode 19: Though somewhat sad, one can't help but laugh at just how bad Amalia's attempt to have a girl's day with Eva goes, closing off with them failing to get a good night's sleep thanks to a party caused by the actions of the rest of the group, and seeing that Cleo somehow is on board the ship Ruel chartered the next morning.
  • Season 2 episode 20: Qilby's Face Fault while he's talking about how Phaeris only has a chance against him in battle and Adamai immediately flies towards him, saying he talks too much.
    • Right after Qilby easily diverted Adamai's attack by teleporting him out of the way, Grougal suddenly appears in front of him and he starts freaking out right before the baby dragon blasts him away with fire. Even better, he acknowledges that yes, that was Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Season 2 episode 22: Ruel staring thoroughly at a map to make sure he read it correctly. He never stops staring at it throughout the episode even during fights and while being thrown into the air.
    • At the end after the false governor is deposed, the old governor then announces her reign where peace and love is mandatory. Which causes her husband to have a look of sheer Here We Go Again!.
  • Season 2 episode 24: The Shushu army is advancing on the new Sufokia fleet, with the latter understandably freaking out... while Prince Adale calmly sips tea, wondering where these new monsters appeared from like it's no big deal. The contrast between the prince sipping his tea and the operative shaking in fear while holding the cup is hilarious.
  • Season 2 episode 25:
    • This remark of Rubi on Rushu:
      "A weak point on Rushu? That's like looking for a wart on a princess' butt!"
    • This dialogue when Tristepin sees Rushu's true form for the first time has one of the countless innuendos of which the show has the secret:
      Pinpin: "But... but he's so small."
      Rubilax: "That's Rushu's real form. The ten-meter tall, that's just to freak us out."
      Pinpin: "Or because he has to compensate for something!"
  • Season 2 episode 26: With the final battle over, before reuniting with the rest of the group, Ruel, Elaine, and Black Ink are shown giving themselves fake injuries, since they ended up hiding through the entire thing and realized it probably wouldn't look so good for them compared to their friends, who, you know, actually fought.

  • OVA Episode 1: Tristepin's failed attempts at proposing to Evangeline. First he startles her during archery practice, causing her to accidentally freeze-arrow an innocent critter. Next he's interrupted by Evangeline telling him she's pregnant and promptly faints. On attempt number three he gets vomited on by his infant daughter in mid-proposal, leading him to proclaim that he's under a curse. Finally, with Elely backing him up, he tries again...only for Flopin to kill the moment by shooting down a passing bird that turns out to be a shapeshifted Otomai. Elely decides that maybe he was right about the curse...
  • OVA Episode 2:
    • Rubilax makes a big, shocking revelation about Dally, and claims in front of everyone that in truth, Dally is... a woman! Cue to general reaction shot (highlights include Amalia's amused, malicious sneer and Eva's note  sheer WTF incredolous face) and Goultard finding the joke Actually Pretty Funny before telling Rubi to tell the truth.
    • On the rocky trip back from Frigost, after Tristepin has discovered he's the Lop God, Evangeline reassures him...with the sounds of a car-sick Amalia retching in the background.
  • OVA Episode 3:
    • We finally see what Sadlygrove was trying to give Eva when he proposed. Only a Iop would get married with a set of Wedding Knuckle-Dusters.
    • Sadlygrove provides some astounding Gallows Humor when congratulating Otomai for removing the Dofus from Ogrest.
      Sadlygrove: I can't applaud because of my arm, but my heart is with you.
  • Noximilien l’horloger/Noximilien the Watchmaker: The snarling debt-collector Vargass makes a notable first impression by scaring Nox's kids the moment he sees them for a giggle... then he provokes the dog, Igole, into escaping, cuing him to very sheepishly apologize for letting the dog out in a way that's completely at odds with his jerkass moment before.

    Season 3 
  • Season 3, Episode 1: Dally and Evangeline start kissing in front of Elely who refers to it as “grosser than gross.” Rubilax, who is also there, comments that he’s seen them do grosser, straight out saying that he’s seen them have sex (albeit, via a Hurricane of Euphemisms) right in front of their daughter.
  • Season 3, Episode 2: The first half of Poo's fight with Elely is him using his speed powers to... spank her. Hard enough for him to send her into the air, too. At one point, the poor girl's even steaming from the backside and has to sit in the snow to cool off.
    • As they prepares to fight, Poo points out that in a wide open space like this he can take full advantage of his skills, unlike the cramped Percedal house... only for Elely to angrily tell him to shut up and stop making excuses for losing before.
    • Once Elely figures his weak spot, she kicks him in the face and kicks him in the rump as payback. That's when he decides to start fighting seriously.
    • When a beaten-up Poo finds himelf at Elely's mercy, he tells he gives up... to which she reacts incredulous, asking her father if he can do that while Dally speaks of giving up as if it's some kind of extremely obscure alien tradition.
  • Season 3, Episode 4:
    • Ruel's brief, passionate... "interest" in an incredibly fancy door. Amalia has to cover Elely's eyes.
    • Dally's determination to save his family is put in jeopardy... by the fact that the first floor they have to cross is a stinky, swamp-like room with the ground covered in fresh excrements, which completely squicks out Dally and Amalia, who're both bare-feet. In the end, Elely has to encourage her father to move on and by the time they reach the next floor, a traumatized Amalia and Dally have to use each other as supports.
    • In hindsight, considering thar Harebourg essentially tried to marry the girl his boss has a huge crush on, there's something morbidly hilarious in having Harebourg sealed away in the middle of a dark, feces-filled dungeon room.
  • Season 3, episode 5: for an Evil Counterpart and demonic knight on fire, Dark Vlad is an incredibly hilarious guy, for the funny faces he makes and the way he runs after the heroes, holding a flaming sword and laughing like a loony all the way.
  • Season 3 episode 6:
    • Ruel claiming that he's getting too old for adventuring and prepares to give up... only to be completely revitalized the istant Amalia offers him a kama and promises him a whole bag of coins if they come back. She tells him that complaining in the group is her job inside the Brotherhood.
    • Amalia getting stuck in a trapdoor because of her Hartman Hips, with Elely stating that it's because of her big butt (and Amalia replying that she'd better hope she doesn't take after her mother). Then there's her reaction to Yugo solving the problem by teleporting back and pushing her in the room.
    • Ush the Ecaflip Demigod fight the heroes... with an army of ridiculously cute black kitten performing a Zerg Rush on them.
      Amalia: (trying to remove the kittens from Yugo) "They... they're just too cute!!"
  • Season 3 episode 7: the fact that Black Bump already has two Eliatrope panties in his collection of underwear. Given that he misses Yugo's and Chibi is around, it leaves open the shockingly hilarious possibility that he managed to steal Qilby's underwear somehow. Also becomes heartwarming in the final episode when we learn that Oropo actually gave him one of his pants, with the former smiling and Black Bump crying over it.
  • Season 3 episode 8: Both Elely and Yugo are facing the Dhrellers of Arpagone in combat. In the former's case, the beast tries to escape her by farting in her face, but she gets over it and, after subduing it, farts back in its snout. Meanwhile Yugo prepares for a can of kickass when his massive opponents performs the obligatory Roar Before Beating... but in doing so, it loses its pacifier and ends up crying on the floor like a big baby, with Yugo trying to console him.
  • Season 3 episode 10:
    • Goultard and Sadlygrove meet Black Bump, who tells them that he's willing to let them pass provided that they give him their underwears, all while laughing like a maniac. The two Iop frown... cut to them taking the elevator to the next floor while Black Bump adds two new slips to his collection. Doubly fun when Grovly states that he thought that Yugo (who fought Black Bump) would have done the same.
    • Seeing Lady Echo having an almost Face Fault at Flopin slapping her mother to keep her awake during the birth of her third baby is unexpected and hilarious.
    • When Sadlygrove needs to see where his familiars are, Goultard, completely serious, grab him and toss him in the air. He does it again to send him to them (with Sadlygrove instructing him on where to aim), all without changing his expression.
    • As the whole tower is destroyed we get a somber view of the events... then we see Black Bump, in the middle of a breakdown as he screams for his slips and tries to recover the now-floating collection while clutching as many panties as he can to his chest.
    • When Oropo is summoning all the surviving demigods to him, you can see that Black Bump has picked up all his collection and has neatly sorted it in tidy piles.
  • Sadlygrove itches for a battle against Oropo, but Goultard tells him to release the prisoners while he deals with the bad guy. Grovley says he has another plan to propose... then, when Goultard turns to listen at the plan, he simply rushes at Oropo leaving his master behind.
    Goultard: "... well, he outsmarted me!"
  • In episode 12 of Season 3, Elely asking her mother Eva permission to beat up Sipho, sounding like a child who wants a new toy, and protesting when Eva tells her that she can beat him only if she shares with her brother Flopin. The true icing on the cake is Sipho reprimanding Eva's educational methods as the two children are about to smack him in the beak.
