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Funny / 30 Minutes or Less

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  • Dwayne's plan to blackmail a random lady.
    First, let's tape us having sex with her. Then let's get all the neighborhood kids to come over and jack off all over her face!
  • The scene in the bank where the mother throws a gun, and it accidentally goes off and shoots a guy in the knee.
    Mother: Oh I'm sorry!
  • "Shit just got real, slumdog".
  • The entire bank robbery scene.
  • "'What's that Mr. Bear? What do you mean you couldn't rob the bank?' (presses button) (BOOM) I liked that bear. I don't even know you."
  • Dwayne and Travis watching Friday the 13th Part III, especially when The Major walks in.
  • The following:
    Nick: If I don't get them their money in time this thing is gonna blow!
    Chet: So your first thought was to come to a school filled with young children!?
  • Travis demonstrating his kicks, flailing around like an idiot while in a monkey mask.
  • Dwayne attempts to cut their losses by blowing up Nick — only to find that Travis switched the detonation code with the phone number for Moviephone.
  • This exchange when Nick learns the deactivation code for the bomb:
    Dwayne: The code is 6. 9. 6. 9. 6. 9.
    Nick: You've got to be kidding me.
    Dwayne: Don't judge. It's my favorite sexual position.
  • The Chekhov's Gag at the end where Chet figures out that the money was booby trapped.
  • Chet, while he is spray painting the guns:
    Painting the guns,
    Painting the guns,
    for the bank robbery
    cause we're going in with plastic guns
    and the cops will shoot us in our face.
  • "You just brought a gun to a bomb fight, officer!" The cop frantically runs away.
  • Just about everything with Sandra.
  • The whole "That's what she said" Brick Joke.
  • Nick and Chongo's initial interaction, where Nick is trying to get the deactivation code, and Chongo has no idea what he's talking about.
  • Travis comment near the end when Dwayne has a red light on his forehead
  • Chet humiliating a student in his class by reading his text out loud. Though it can become a Tear Jerker when you think about what this means for the student's social/dating life.
    Chet: (reads in a nasally voice) "Hey Steve, what time you watching the UFC tonight, bro? By the way, you think Lisa will go out with me?" (class starts laughing) Whoa! Lisa over there? No way, man, she's laughing in your face!
  • Chet making fun of Nick's car.
    Chet: It's like you bought a Mustang, and then the Mustang got AIDS.
