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Funny / The Wild Thornberrys

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See here for moments specific to The Wild Thornberrys Movie.

  • "NUNS?! NUNS think I'm a bad mother?!"
  • Debbie reads aloud from a Weekly World News-type tabloid magazine: "Oh, look! A 99-year-old woman gave birth to twin 3-headed cows! And the father is a chicken!"
  • Nigel tries to edit the newest footage himself... resulting in him accidentally having a warthog lip-synch his introduction.
    Nigel: The warthog is talking like me! (chuckles)
  • Everything with Donnie's gibberish.
  • Come on, say it:
  • From the first episode:
    Mount Kilamanjaro, Africa's highest peak. And roaming in its shadow, the king of beasts, the lion, known to local tribesmen as—ACK OOK ICH ACH BLUAH!
  • Anytime Darwin's snarky side shows.
  • In "Operation Valentine" Darwin offers a seriously ill Eliza one of Debbie's very burnt cookies.
    Eliza: (groans)
    Darwin: You're right, not that desperate yet.
  • Nigel's line in in 'Reef Grief.' "We seem to be faced with a fascinating lack of options!"
  • Nigel's attempt at throat-singing at the end of 'Horse Sense.'
  • In 'Bogged Down' Eliza and Darwin are being threatened by mysterious creatures who later turn out to be flying lemurs. As Eliza leaves them alone they sigh in relief only for Darwin to scare them off with a sudden loud evil laugh.
  • Stuck inside the sinking comvee with Eliza, Nigel answers a frantic radio call from Marianne with, "Nigel Thornberry. Everything normal."
  • "You ain't seen nothing Yeti"
    • When their hosts sprint out of the cabin due to their fear of the legendary Yeti, leaving the Thornberries in their dilapidated cabin. Debbie of course is the first to complain. Again.
    Debbie: Now what do we do? We're alone up here with the Abominable Snow-Geek!
    Marianne: Tenzin and his family are just superstitious, Debbie. There's no proof there actually is an Abominable Snow-Geek.
    Debbie: I was talking about Eliza.
  • In "Lost and Foundation," Nigel and Marianne break out some old home movies of their daughters when they were toddlers, which all contain footage the girls find mortifyingly embarrassing, like Eliza in the bathtub and Debbie in a poofy pink princess dress. As their parents leave to show some of their footage from their show at an awards banquet, Eliza realizes they accidentally left their highlight reel behind and took the home movies instead, which they're about to show to a crowd of people!
    Debbie: But I'm wearing PINK!
    Eliza: I'm not wearing anything at all!
    (the girls frantically chase after their parents, but they're too late)
    Eliza: (falling to her knees in despair) Naked...
    Debbie: (likewise) Pink...
    (fade to commercial break)
  • Donnie stealing Debbie's clothes while she takes a mud bath
