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Funny / The Fourth

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  • During the tour of Frostbite Fortress, Forzio shows off the reward for beating the dungeon.
    Forzio Now, like any dungeon, we hide a special treasure for your hero to find.
    Skärva Ugh, is it a fire staff? Or a fire wand? Or... some kind of fire?
    Forzio Sorry to disappoint, but no. Actually, the item is this big wallet. It allows your hero to carry more Ides.
    Forzio Quite.
After two Beat panels they both break into maniacal laughter[1].
  • When Skärva attempts to give Blank the love potion, Blank misunderstands his intentions...
    Blank: You got me a BOTTLE?!
    Skärva: No! It's a love potion, st- ... friend.
    Blank: (turning green) Ugh, what?! I... don't have those kind of feelings for you, Skärva.
    Skärva: (realizes what Blank thinks the potion is for, and also turns green) Argh. No. Just... let me explain, will you?
  • During the fight with sword fighting animated vines, one of the pirates the group is traveling with throws a sword to Skärva, who screams and ducks.[2]
    Skärva: Why would you throw a sword?!
    Pirate: Sorry mate, that's just how we do things.
    Skärva: They are sharp. You are stupid.
  • The groups reaction to one of the puzzles in Castle Bladud
    Skärva: No. Absolutely not.
    Princess Veronika: What?
    Derk: This is a Block Puzzle. The worst kind of puzzle.
    Princess Veronika: The kind where you have to find your way through by pushing things? Blank told me all about them. It was the most boring three hours of my life.
    Derk: These can take ages. We'll be up here for-
    Skärva: Derk, stop crying and get over here. You should know that the maintenance tunnels are always in the same place.
  • Skärva has Veronika create a distraction for Blank.
    Skärva: I need you to appear in Blank's dream
    Princess Veronika: Ew.
    Skärva: Or... however you communicate with him while you're here.
