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Agent Origins:

  • Mia's Deadpan Snarker attitude throughout Conspiracies.
    • Saj's ironic speech when he tells Mia that he'll be proven right in case someone busts through the door of her apartment. True enough, a Rioter did bust in. Saj freaks out and tries to tell the Rioter that he's holding an airgun.
    • Also, the pizza dish!


  • A piece of Black Comedy, but seeing a Cleaner panic after you land a good shot on the flamethrower tank makes it a Karmic Death worth watching. Doubles as an awesome moment too.
    • Similarly, when an enemy with an LMG or one of the LMB's shield troops gets their ammo pack cooked off by your fire. There is something intensely amusing and satisfying about watching this giant with a machine gun start flailing around as his ammo goes off like someone strapped a bag of bottle rockets to his arse.
  • There is a phone recording of a Rioter conversing with his "son." The tone and wording of the conversation implies that the two are about to pull off some kind of crime. As it turns out the pair are really brothers and they were actually talking about fixing their sister's toilet.
    • Another one for two Rioters dreaming of new life after the Green Poison. One of them thought of cruising in shiny new car like that girl in those movies with cars (which in itself sounded like a shout-out to Michelle Rodriguez and the Fast and Furious movies). While others just asks for a good steak.
    "I like steak!"
  • In a shout-out to Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, an ECHO recording shows a man barreling through a fence while his female friend watches him.
    • "What's the matter, Debra? Never taken a shortcut before?"
    • What makes it funnier is the guy is also called Shaun.
    • To top off the whole matter, the ECHO's description in your intel log describes it as "A man tries to impress his female companion with an impressive stunt move, only to fail miserably". One of the key points of interest that ECHO highlights for you, is that Shaun flunked high school physical education.
  • There is a phone recording of a woman answering her phone at four in the morning, and there a man breathing heavily like a creep on the other end. What's so funny about that? There is another recording of the same guy answering his phone at four in the morning, and on the other end is the woman he called and she's breathing heavily like a creep at him!
    • And when he asks who it is, her response is to speed up the breathing just to emphasize it more (and sounding like an awkward imitation of a dog panting).
    • The two recordings mentioned were two of a set of three. What happens in the third? The woman brings the man's mother into it!
  • One phone recording captures a rioter describing his Epic Fail to another. Apparently he tried to rob some kids, only for them to pull guns on him. He's later jumped by a kid with a baseball bat and robbed. A grown man mugging kids isn't the end of society to him. The kids mugging him is.
  • Bliss asks the cameraman if he got the recorded speech done, because he doesn't wanna do it again. And he's unaware that the camera is still rolling.
  • A phone recording has a PR executive making a pitch to Bliss for an LMB advertisement, and what he describes is a combination of action and explosions that would make Michael Bay proud. Bliss then ruthlessly chews out the executive for completely missing the point of LMB and orders him to redo ad or be fired. The executive then sheepishly calls back, telling Bliss that they've decided to go with a more subtle, subdued ad.
  • This gem of an exchange:
    Man 1: "I bought the farm."
    Man 2: *clearly confused* "Say WHAT?!"
    Man 1: "I bought a farm."
  • When you realize that you've killed yet another guy called Alex.
    Rioter: "They got Alex!"
    • Stop killing Alex!
    • The developers are now in on the joke: there is now an achievement for killing a set number of Rioters. Take one guess what it's called.
  • JTF patrolmen having a Freak Out over what they're being shot with:
    JTF Soldier: We're taking small arms fire! Small! Arms! Fire!
  • Another recorded phone conversation has two LMB guys debating on who is the worse to fight; Cleaners or Rikers. They go on for a little while, until one switches topics and off-handedly asks what the other thinks about fighting the JTF. The other LMB soldier is shocked to hear that there is still any of them in Manhattan.
  • The Incident Report labled "Pharmacy", which has two Cleaners attempt to raid a pharmacy for some critical supplies.
    Cleaner 1: At least they left some cough drops..."Looozeenge." What's a lozenge? Do you eat that?
    Cleaner 2: Would you just grab whatever so we can get out of here? Oh, and if you find any of those little snack cakes, grab them, too.
  • A random conversation between JTF members in the Base of Operations details how another JTF member (a tall, muscular man) challenged Faye Lau to a basketball game, with the winner taking control of the operation. (Remember that Lau took an exploding helicopter to the face, and has been in a leg cast with half her face bandaged since arriving in Manhattan.) When the pair met on the basketball court, Lau tazed him.
  • Some of the named bosses in the Rikers faction are named after words used a lot by gamers. Fitting, since the Rikers in general are Psychopathic Manchildren.
    • The very first boss you encounter in the Underground DLC is a heavy soldier named "Rekt". He even gets a brief mention outside of this DLC, as part of the Flavor Text for the Pakhan (apparently, it's his personal weapon).
    • One of the High Value Targets is named Griefer.
    • One boss found in the Survival DLC is named "Salt".
  • During the final part of the Dragon's Nest Incursion, immediately after Benitez finds out there's going to be technical work involved with securing the Port Control Transit Terminal, he goes to get Rhodes and has him take over comms for the last encounter there.
    Rhodes: What is it, is the world on fire or something?
    Benitez: Possibly, literally, yes.
  • Although since patched, whenever you extracted yourself at the end of the Survival DLC your helicopter would remain in place...and the Agent would instead float up into the air and fly off on their own.
  • Some enemies' reactions to your skills being deployed are hilarious.
    Rioter (looking at a Seeker Mine): "What the hell is that!?"
    Riker (looking at a deployed Turret): "Get that robot shit outta here!"
    LMB heavy (looking at a shield user): "Really? A shield?"
  • At the start of the Warren Gate Power Plant mission, Paul Rhodes opens up with this:
    Rhodes : "Ok Agent, assuming the JTF squad is dead because let's face it, who are we kidding?"
    • Granted he's more than likely referring to the genocidal tactics the Rikers employ against the JTF, his tone of voice makes it sound like he has zero faith in the JTF's capabilities against anyone (and sure enough, only 2 officers survived).
