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Funny / The Adventure Zone: Dust

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  • From the setup episode, after Travis establishes that the characters aren't going to be able to get away with baselessly antagonizing NPCs without consequences:
    Justin: "Aren't you penalising me for trying to make our comedy podcast funnier, then?"
    Travis: "Yes."
    Justin: "Okay, good."
  • After realizing what Michael is, Gandy vomits onto the ground... through Augustus. When Michael assures her that it's okay to be scared considering what happened to her parents, she explains that she isn't afraid, she just hates his guts.
  • Gandy and Augustus bonding... over eating Ghost Cashews.
  • In episode 2, Gandy is afraid of dying after being fed on by a vampire, citing that she might be "too scrumptious."
    Clint: I am the pringles of blood!
  • When Errol (reasonably) assumes that the Banshee's men are trying to coerce him into coming with them, Errol hits the neighborhood watch bell... and it turns out that Ellis and Blackwood legitimately were giving him a choice, and leave peacefully, causing everyone on Carrion Street (as played by all three other players) to think he was ringing the emergency bell just to get out of an awkward conversation.
    Justin: "Are you sure you're as well liked as you think you are, here?"
  • The Banshee's reaction to Gandy revealing her presence, having already been completely unsurprised Augustus was there:
    Banshee: "Miss Dancer! What a twist, hmmn? All three of you here, how could I ever have antic- — anyway, what was I saying?"
  • In Episode 4, Gandy creates a magic barrier to protect the party... prompting Justin to remark that Clint finally used magic to effectively support the party. Then this happens.
    Justin: Whoa, Dad is glowing and he's floating into the sky! Goodbye Dad, you did it!
    Clint: (moving progressively further away from his mic while shouting) I WILL LOOK DOWN UPON YOU FROM THE HEAVENS
    Justin: Goodbye our dad!
    Clint: GOODBYE!
    Griffin and Travis: (Losing their shit)
  • A bit of Black Comedy: the final encounter is intense, featuring a Blast Out between a royally pissed off Dylan exacting bloody revenge on Sheriff Connors, even as he himself is steadily bleeding out. Once the sheriff dies and Dylan begins reverting back into a human, Griffin realizes what's about to happen and opts to have Errol slap Dylan in the face before forcing him to think about Jeremiah's death, all in an effort to keep him in his much more durable werewolf form for as long as possible to get medical attention.
