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Funny / That '90s Show

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  • Donna's introduction is carrying all the heavy bags from the car, to her frustration that Eric didn't even think to help her.
    Donna: (incredulously to Eric while heaving all the luggage upstairs) Don't worry honey! I got it!
    Eric: (oblivious of his wife's tone) Okay, babe.
  • The moment Eric actually threatens to put his foot in Leia's ass. Donna and Kitty are disappointed, but Red is genuinely the proudest he's ever been.
    • Later, Eric laments that he spent his life studying Star Wars but still turned into his evil father.
  • Red's outrage when he finds out Jay's last name is "Kelso." Immediately followed by Michael popping in through the door to yell “BURN!!!”
  • Red frustrated over Kitty opening their house to the neighbors because "all the dumbasses were gone!"
    • Combined with Heartwarming: His dancing with Kitty in the first episode opening. Red has never been happier than since all the people vacated his house.
  • Jay freaking out when Leia tells him to "stick 'em up" at the video store.
  • Kitty and Leia discover Leo's the one who rented Clerks.
    • As Kitty explains to Leia that Leo was an older man who hung out with her dad and his friends when they were teenagers, she suddenly realizes how that sounds before quickly brushing it off figuring Eric would've said something.
    • Leo mentions he's been watching a lot of The Real World.
      Leo: Cuz think about it man, if that's the real world, then what's all this?
      Kitty (pulling Leia aside): This might be a dead end.
    • Leia eventually gets the tape by playing along with Leo thinking it's Halloween and they're trick-or-treaters who want Clerks. He gave Leia an audition tape for The Real World and a bag of weed.
    • Additionally, Leia pretending to have seen and enjoyed the movie, with repeated comments over how hot Kevin Smith is and her friends baffled “okay…” reactions.
  • Red becomes relaxed when he purchases a massage chair, but he’s so relaxed that he can’t help Kitty talk some sense into Sherri to break up with her boyfriend. It’s only until Kitty unplugs the chair that Red reverts back to his normal grumpy mode so he can talk to Sherri.
  • Kitty mistakenly assumes Leia is preparing to have sex and relays this to her mother. Donna's response is to drive all the way from Chicago in a panic, with a bag full of every kind of contraceptive. And some Valium for herself.
    • Upon seeing Ozzie, literally the first boy Donna sees in the Forman house, Donna asks Leia if he is her "sex boy".
  • Jay covers himself in oil to look sexy for Leia. It makes it hard to hold on to his guitar or lean against his car, though.
  • Leia, Gwen and Jay pick up Kitty from the dentist, and she is, in Gwen's words, "high as a kite on drugs." Gwen tries to use her to get a tattoo... and Kitty is the one who gets tatted.
    • Kitty hiding the tattoo in her wrist by sticking her whole arm up a chicken. And then leaving with it on to do the laundry.
  • The reveal that the hot tub giveaway is a trick.
  • Kitty catches Red up late at night surfing the Internet on the new computer. He frantically tries to cover the screen up, so she doesn't see him looking at photos of a scantily-clad Raquel Welch. Turns out, she's just happy he is using the new computer. And she wants him to find one of Kirk Douglas in his gladiator costume from Spartacus.
    • Every time Kitty tries to use the computer, she ends up accidentally restarting it.
    • Kitty's description of the internet when she hears the dial-up sounds:
      Kitty: The internet is... two demons yelling at each other.
      Ozzie: That's actually pretty accurate.
    • She also mistakenly believes that since the President uses the internet, he's online at all times.
      "Shhh! The President can hear you!"
  • Nate thinks Kitty is hitting on him.
    Kitty: Come on, I need your muscles.
    Nate: Mrs. Forman, I'm flattered, but... I have a girlfriend.
    Kitty: Oh, honey, you wouldn't know what to do with all this.
  • Leia becomes conscious of touching Jay, so she puts her arms back like she was downhill skiing. Nikki advises her to put her hands on his hips (close enough to his genitals to show she's serious, far enough that nothing will happen), but when she tries to, Jay turns around and she ends up putting her hand on his crotch.
  • Kitty's Imagine Spot of her working again as a school nurse. Leia gets a paper cut that starts gushing blood, Ozzie lost an eye and is carrying it around in a glass, and Nikki is about to give birth. The baby has Red's face, and tells Kitty "I Told You So".
  • Nate debating whether to swat a fly that's landed on his crotch.
  • Sherri revealing she was stuck in Red and Kitty's bathroom while they were having sex.
    Sherri: It sounded like someone trying to eat corn on the cob.
  • Kitty's frustrations with trying to stop Bob from helping with Leia's birthday party. She resorted to drugging his drinks with cold medicine to try and knock him out. It took three attempts for it to work.
    Kitty: He just, he wouldn't go down! It was like trying to drug a rhino!
    • Bob later reveals he fell asleep on the stairs.
