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Funny / Rose

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Even a film this bleak can have some bright spots.

  • Tadeusz is, very carefully, going through a minefield to get to a pile of potatoes stored in the middle. Suddenly the three-legged dog shows up, cheerfully limping from the pile toward the man, oblivious to the danger, wags its tail at him and goes on its merry way. While Tadeusz is standing there, face white out of fear that the dog might trigger a mine.
  • RĂ³ża's angry outburst in German when she thinks Tadeusz got himself killed by a mine. And then she angrily orders him to come for dinner before it gets cold.
  • Tadeusz strolling the lake shore with a bucket, then casually taking out a grenade from his pocket, and enjoying the view for a while before he tosses the grenade into the lake. Cut - and he's going back to the farm, with a bucket full of fish. It's his casual, routine-like behaviour that sells it.
  • Piss-drunk Tadeusz and Władek trying and miserably failing to fill a sack with potatoes.
    Tadeusz: Hold it (Tadeusz tries to pass him the empty sack, only for Władek to fall flat on the floor, unconscious) You are not helping me, Władziu.
    • With a Visual Pun thrown in for free (falling like a sack of potatoes).
