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Funny / Rainbow High

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  • Every time the As come on screen together, they enter in a Team Power Walk fashion and the whole scene transforms into a runway show in the hallway. They even have theme music. Everyone stops what they’re doing to stare at them in awe.
  • As well as the fandom seeing Colin as a Butt-Monkey, now the show does too! With the few times he's ever seen on screen since he was relevant, he's either a Freeze-Frame Bonus punchline at best or being hit in the head with a football.
    • Also, Violet is generally sweet and respectful when talking about others in “The Vi-Life” recaps. Colin, however? Violet never talks about him in a positive light. Ever. Unlike the cases with Sunny and Bella (the former she makes amends with offscreen and the latter is given a formal apology in the webseries), Violet shows a grand total of zero cents to care about Colin.


Double Date DisasterGurlfriend Take Over
  • The above gag is continued in the following episode. Violet tries to hand out the pen she just found to Bella, Jade, and Sunny (who are all staring at Colin) before finally getting a grip on the current situation and joining them in confronting him.

All About Aidan

  • When Avery, Ainsley, and River announce that the football team's star quarterback Emerald is injured, the character express worry and shock. Then there's this line amongst the gasps.
    "Not Emerald! He's so hot!"
  • Avery and Ainsley being gushingly supportive of Aidan throughout the episode is sweet and also hilarious since we're not used to them expressing these kinds of emotions.
Amaya’s Time
  • Before she tries asking River out, Amaya lets Jade do her makeup using “mood makeup” foundation. Amaya meets up with River and gets flustered. The mood makeup acts up and Amaya’s face flushes all red. Literally. Out of context (and in River’s perspective) she looks feverish.
  • Skyler, Ruby, and Sunny snicker about the Colin incident from “Double Date Disaster” and “Gurlfriend Take Over”.
    • Also Colin is sent to full panic when he spots Amaya seemingly running toward him (in actuality she’s running toward River). It’s even funnier because Amaya and Colin never interacted at all and she wasn’t present during his introduction and downfall. So Colin canonically fears anyone affiliated with Ruby and Skyler, if not their whole runaway group!
  • At one point, Amaya flosses.

Fashion Show Finale

  • The series of unfortunate events where the rack containing their runway projects repeatedly escaping from Amaya eventually leads to her just dumping the rack and carrying all the items in a pile instead.
    Krystal: ...Shouldn't you just roll them on the rack?
