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Funny / Prehistoric Park

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  • Near the end of "T-Rex Returns", Bob uses PVC tubing and spare tires to turn a tractor into a mock-Triceratops to give Theo something to take his hormonal agression out on. It's safe to say that he and Nigel end up having the time of their lives.
    Nigel & Bob: Charrrrge!
    • Before that, when Bob first comes up with the idea.
      Bob: (starts to chuckle)
      Suzanne: (looking at him; deadpan) What?
      Bob: I just had a very good idea.
      Suzanne: (still looking at him; still deadpan) Oh, no. What? Tell me.
      Bob: (smiles) Wait and see.
    • Bob's surprised and utterly exasperated reaction to the unexpected appearance of the Ornithomimus flock barrelling through the time portal.
    Bob: Oh my giddy aunt! Oh, Nigel, Nigel, what have you done?
  • During "A Mammoth Undertaking", Bob nearly gets flattened by the Ornithomimus flock as he tries to lure them into their new paddock.
  • In "Dinobirds", Nigel accidentally ensnares Bob while test firing his net-gun.
    • At one point in the episode, Suzanne gives Martha a haircut to help her cool off in the hot climate. As she's getting worked on, Martha sniffs the bucket where her fallen fur is being collected, causing her to sneeze on the camera. Suzanne can only laugh in playful exasperation.
    • Bob's utter exasperation at Nigel and his team returning not only with the Microraptors, but several Titanosaurs.
      Bob: (shouting after Nigel as the sauropods enter the portal) You got the Microraptor, then? (finally looks upon the Titanosaurs; exasperated) I don't believe it… Nigel!
    • The Titanosaurs make trouble for Bob the moment they arrive in the park.
      Bob: Hey, now! Watch me fence! (a Titanosaur knocks the fence over as a parkkeeper runs away in the distance)
  • From "Saving The Sabretooth", Bob chases after one of the escaping Titanosaurs on a tractor. While he's doing that, Nigel tries to tell Bob over his walkie-talkie that he'll need a birdcage for the 10-foot-tall Terror Bird he plans to bring back. Bob can't hear Nigel that well over the Titanosaur's grumblings and the roar of the tractor, so he shows up with an ordinary-sized birdcage in hand as Nigel prepares to leave.
    • During the same scene, the Titanosaur also takes the time to relieve itself in front of Bob.
      Bob: (flabbergasted and exasperated) There's no need for that!
  • In "Bug House", as Nigel eagerly drives his jeep into the Carboniferous, he promptly crashes straight into the swamp as he arrives.
    • Nigel catches cameraman Bill setting up mosquito netting as the crew sets up camp. Nigel tells him that mosquitos haven't evolved yet, and they won't for another 75 million years. Poor Bill looks understandably contrite as he quickly takes down the netting.
    • After spending the episode battling grievous wounds, a flaring infection, and a case of septicemia following a brutal fight with Matilda, Terrance makes a full recovery. Unfortunately, he proceeds to wreck Suzanne's emergency room when he wakes up. As Nigel learns, Suzanne didn't bother to restrain him because she didn't think he would come around so quickly. When Terrance is returned to his enclosure, poor Suzanne is left to clean the colossal mess he left behind.
  • Poor Bob gets worked to the bone over and over in "Supercroc", where he has to deal with the Terror Bird slipping out of its enclosure thanks to its dust baths, the Sabretooth cubs keeping Suzanne awake half the night, the Elasmotherium producing mountians of dung to clean up, and of course, the destructive antics of the Titanosaurs, all while he gropes about Nigel bringing back more and more creatures. At that point, the poor man gets startled by a Troodon, having stowed away in Nigel's jeep to snack on the leftover meat he used to bait the Deinosuchus. It thankfully doesn't hurt Bob, but it snaps and swipes at him, just as startled by him as he is of it.
    • As Nigel runs for his life, trying to stay ahead of the rampaging Matilda, he runs into the crocodile habitat.
      Nigel: (to the crocodiles, as he runs past them) Okay boys, okay.
    • The Terror Bird comically flapping its tiny wings in panic when the frightened Titanosaur breaks into its enclosure.
