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Funny / Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time

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  • There's a chance that a Swashbuckler Zombie falls into the water instead of landing on the platform.
  • The Seagull Zombie appears to be carried by a rope tied to a seagull. Not a giant seagull, a normal sized one. The Travel Log even lampshaded this, back when Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequests were a thing:
    "How can a seagull that small carry a zombie? It's ridiculous!"
  • The reaction where a zombie eats a Chilli Bean. First they pause and turn green, then they die and let loose a gas cloud behind them which stuns other zombies.
  • When a zombie eats a Plant Food-powered Hypno-shroom, IT TURNS INTO A HYPNOTIZED GARGANTUAR that easily smashes other zombies. It's both this and a Moment of Awesome. In the Chinese version, you have to get the Hypno-Shroom's costume as in that version, the PF'd Hypno-shroom turns a zombie into a Buckethead.
  • When a Zombie King spawns, an Announcer Imp with a horn steps in to announce his arrival. The Imp doesn't last more than 2 seconds before the King (complete with his whole throne) falls on him and flattens him.
    • Even funnier is that the horn sticks out from under the King until he dies.
  • When the Power Zap or any lightning-generating plant (from the Fila-mint family) electrocutes a zombie:
  • The Banana Launcher. It has a derpy looking face with a seemingly weird personality, and the Almanac entry notes how he's "totally bananas", while saying that we should avoid stereotypes shortly before the statement. When it fires its banana missile, it utters "Banana!" in a chipper, high-pitched voice, and it reaches its ultimate conclusion when it is fed plant food, which it will then say "Ba-ba-ba-banana!" while firing multiple bananas. Also, when you try to plant it on minecarts in the Wild West...
    Bananas are too slippery for Minecartsnote 
  • The reactions you get from plants you water in the second game's Zen Garden usually are joyful. Some plants, however, have reactions that can make you crack up.
    • Fire Peashooter: You put out its fire, turning it into a regular pea-shooter while it looks at itself in bewilderment, before re-igniting itself.
    • Pepper-pult: You put out the fire of its ammo, causing it to flick it a few times to re-ignite it, complete with sparks like a lighter.
    • Repeater: A simple one but really cute — It looks like it's howling like a wolf!
    • Ghost Pepper: Starts out all happy and smiling... and then realises it's hovering above the soil you're watering, at which point its expression changes to "You've got to be kidding me!"
    • Chomper: Opens his mouth wide to drink the water. The sheer amount of water fills his lower jaw entirely.
    • Cold Snapdragon: You end up temporarily freezing him in a chunk of ice.
    • Primal Wall-nut: Becomes soaked, and then quickly goes back to normal, without even noticing anything happened.
    • Wasabi Whip: He pulls a piece of sushi out of nowhere and snuggles up to it.
  • The Lost Pilot Zombie's Almanac Entry contains some Fridge Humor. It's now understandable why he drops from the sky in a parachute ambush — they found out about his faked pilot's license, so they threw him out of the plane.
    "He faked his pilot's license and figured nobody would notice. But they did."
  • The way zombies and plants react to the boulder trap, excluding the Gargantuar. They fly away spinning hilariously when hit. This also happens when a Perfume-shroom-affected Velociraptor kicks a zombie.
  • Primal Wall-Nut's Plant Food. While Wall-Nut, Tall-Nut and Endurian gain a metallic armor and Infi-Nut produces a Force Field, what does Primal Wall-Nut do? Encase itself in a rock with a primitive drawing of a Wall-Nut on it.
  • It's pretty hilarious when a Jurassic Gargantuar encounters a charmed Raptor. The smaller raptor easily kicks away the Gargantuar, sending it spinning away offscreen. Take note that this variant of the Gargantuar has more health than most normal enemies in the game (it's only beaten by the Cardio Zombie, which has twice the amount of hitpoints) and can survive a single Electric Blueberry strike, and the raptor just one-shots him like that.
    • Same thing happens with a charmed T-rex, who just instantly eats him.
    • Speaking of the Cardio Zombie, its death animation is its treadmill ramping up to extreme speeds, causing the zombie to trip over the machine multiple times before it explodes destroying its entire body except for the head, which still has the mindless expression as most enemies despite the chaos. Overkill indeed.
  • The Stegosaurus' face when it encounters a zombie, causing it to move offscreen (and enter tailfirst instead) just screams "Again? Come on!"
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex acts more like a Big Friendly Dog than an actual T-Rex.
  • Dr. Zomboss received a personality in this game after being nothing but a Final Boss in the first game. And boy, was it a good idea. Seriously:
    • The way he tries to make you distrust Chomper in Big Wave Beach is by telling you Chomper and Bikini Zombie are "getting ultra cozy". No, no Foreshadowing, no explanation, no backstory, he just went there.
    • How the Almanac entry for the Zombot War Wagon mentions the random Bull Zombie on the back of it.
    "Dr. Zomboss normally doesn't take any bull, but this time he made an exception."
    • The Almanac entry for the Zombot Dark Dragon is extremely epic and villainous, however...
    • Almost all of Zomboss' Zombot Multi-stage Masher costumes are strangly amusing, especially when during the "Pop" phase, Zomboss is in a dress and blonde wig, and apparently he's totally fine with it.
    • In fact, its description in the almanac:
    "An intimate evening with some of Dr. Zomboss' most recent and painful explorations."
    • Also, the Multi-Stage Masher isn't even a vehicle or machine in this case, it's just Zomboss on a stage with speakers randomly falling from the sky.
    • Zomboss singing his own version of Rickroll.
    "Hmmmm... you're in danger above. You're a fool; and so knew I! Hear me now: Ever shall you give up; ever shall you be down; always you'll run aground; I'll revert you. I intend to make you cry; I mean for you to say goodbye; I'm not really that nice a guy - I alert you!"
    • The Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 BC Almanac entry mentioning that Zomboss realized a little too late that he was allergic to mammoth fur... which is oddly specific.
    • The Zombot Sharktronic Sub's almanac entry shows Zomboss' extreme affection towards this Zombot, perfecting every single details of it.
  • The description for the Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur:
"With flagrant disregard for temporal tidiness and simple good taste, Dr. Zomboss figured it would be a good idea to build a huge metal dinosaur."
  • The Punk Zombie (who wears a lot of metallic facial piercings) has a funny weakness: Magnet-shroom will attract and rip off his head, instantly killing him.
  • Garlic's entry in the Almanac of the second game.
    "Good against zombies, as well as proof against any vampires who might accidentally wander by."
  • There was a glitch in Zombot Multistage Masher, where if you managed to get a Breakdancer Zombie to the back of the stage, he would kick the Zombot forward. That's not the funny part. When a speaker activates, IT WILL KNOCK OUT ZOMBOSS. Bam. Easy victory.
  • The Helium Speech that all zombies make when shrunken by the Shrinking Violet. This also applies to the Pianist's music, making it sound really high-pitched.
  • While it is That One Level Material, the Gargantuar battle in Modern Day is hilarious due to its absurdity. Why? The level contains Gargantuars (and Imps) from nearly every world, and only Gargantaurs (and Imps) from most of the worlds. Yeah, Zomboss isn't screwing around this time.
    • The reason this happens? A trap shapes like a taco.
  • Primal Peashooters can't hurt Excavator Zombies but they can still stun and knock them back. It's pretty amusing to watch an Excavator struggling to reach a Primal Peashooter while he's getting constantly knocked back by it.
  • The April Fools 2016 Pinata Party. It involves usage of Intensive Carrot (on conveyor) to revive Cabbage-Pults, Peashooters, and Bonk Choys against regulars, coneheads, and Gargantuars that throw Gargantuars at low health. The Gargantuars and the thrown Gargantuars have extremely low health, around that of a normal zombie.
  • The Big Brainz Pinata Party is exactly like a normal Pinata Party.... Except all the Zombies from Modern Day have massive heads.
  • The Travel Log has zombie-killing sidequests that award PiƱatas upon completion. Unfortunately, it seems to take these quests as Serious Business, which results in some side-splitting lines. Case in point, for:
    • Gargantuar Primes:
    Travel Log: They have telephone poles for arms! TELEPHONE POLES!
    • Peasant Zombies:
    Travel Log: They're not pleasant, they're peasant! And That's Terrible!
    • Weasel Hoarders:
    Travel Log: Who hoards weasels inside a log?? WHO?!?
    • Swashbuckler Zombies:
    Travel Log: Who do they think they are, buckling those swashes?
