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Funny / Pikmin 2

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  • The Nintendo Logo Joke has several pikmin dropping onto the Nintendo logo and greeting the player...until a purple pikmin lands on the logo, knocking the others away.
  • Louie's notes. While most of Olimar's notes on the creatures are about their behavior, biology or how dangerous they are, Louie's notes are all about how to cook them and make delicious recipes out of defeated boss monsters!
    • His culinary talent with insectoid beasts earns him the title "King of Bugs" after the Titan Dweevil is killed and he is rescued as the final "treasure".
    • Remember the terrifying Titan Dweevil, the final boss of the second game that held Louie captive? He gets his revenge on it, as he describes in his notes that "eaten raw, it's bold and full-flavored" and has a "satisfying crunch".
      • This gains a certain... something when you consider Olimar speculation that Louie was in control the whole time...
  • Several of Olimar's treasure hoard notes, as well as Louie's cooking notes.
    • The suspicious blue color paint that Olimar used for the ship. Olimar gives a nutshell of what happened after.
      "But did it thank me? Nooooo."
    • Louie's notes on the Caustic Dweevil.
      "Inedible. Effects of consumption include uncontrollable arm-flailing and enthusiastic dishwashing."
    • Olimar's notes on the Waterwraith noting that it may just be a natural phenomenon exaggerated by lost and terrified explorers, just because of how correct it was in how the player would react to it. Louie's notes, for the exact same reason, only couched in medical-sounding euphemisms about how it causes mass hysteria.
    • Olimar's notes on the Silencer, namely how he complains about the President. Made even funnier because the Silencer is obtained in the Wistful Wild — that is, after the President joins your party. One can only hope the President never reads Olimar's journal...
    • Speaking of which, Olimar's notes on the Survival Ointment have him worry about just that:
      "In a survival situation, the most important things are water, courage, and a first-aid kit. I've got water and an endless supply of courage, but I don't have a first-aid kit. Sometimes I don't have a whole lot of motivation either. I may be a daring explorer, but sometimes I just want to loaf around all day and sleep. Wait... what if the president reads this journal? Uh... ahem... I'd never dream of slacking on the job! Yeah..."
    • Louie's notes on the Mamuta.
      "Inedible. Tastes like chicken."
      • Even better? The Japanese version has Louie write out an actual recipe for the creature, implying it actually is edible in that version. Meaning that entry was written specially for the English version, presumably because the translation team thought it was much funnier.
    • Louie's notes on the Queen Candypop Bud.
      "Eating this flower leads to spectacular, breathtaking indigestion."
    • Olimar finds the Paradoxical Enigma, a severed rubber duck's head, to be a stunning work of art. When he finds a more complete rubber duck in the Shower Room...
      "The first time I laid eyes on this hideous treasure, I though it was a giant aquatic monster! It took me several terror-filled seconds to realize that it's just an ugly statue. What a relief... I was ready to run all the way back to Hocotate!"
    • Olimar's notes about the Harmonic Synthesizer reveal that he loves karaoke. His family's ears, however...
      "My taste in music is highly refined. But my wife and kids have no taste at all! For example, when I ask my family if they want to go out for karaoke, they twist their faces and give me a nasty look! They don't know what they're missing..."
  • One of the treasures found in the second sublevel of the Cavern of Chaos is the majestically-named "Child of the Earth". It's a potato. Which is probably a reference to the french name of a potato, which translates directly to "apple of the earth".
  • Louie's first interaction with the Pikmin. After pulling one out of the ground, it tries to get closer to him, which Louie responds by trying to run away from it, with the Pikmin chasing after him.
  • The ship writes sales pitches for all the treasures found. Some of them are pretty funny.
    • For the "Hideous Victual":
      "The consistency of the half-cooked yolk says "Mmm! Good!" It is packed with nutrients, too. I can sell it, but I have never eaten it. I am UNABLE to eat it. Not even a nibble."
    • For "Innocence Lost":
      "Think back and remember the starry skies of your youth... Innocence... Every being once possessed it, but lost it over time. This star is the shape of that precious memory. All major credit cards accepted."
  • The Waterwraith is the most terrifying enemy in Pikmin 2, both in-universe and out, and is heavily implied to be an Eldritch Abomination. You can only bring blue Pikmin into the cave you find it in, whereas it's invincible to everything except purple ones. It appears whenever you take too long on a floor in the cave, complete with Scare Chord; can kill all your Pikmin in about a second if it catches you; and, even if you don't have them all with you, knows exactly where to go to screw you over the most. Needless to say, when the final floor provides you with purple Candypop Buds, throwing purple Pikmin at it, making it cower in fear as they smash its rollers, is not only hilarious but also deeply satisfying. The funny factor is turned up to eleven when the rollers are destroyed; the Waterwraith runs away in panic, and the music shifts from creepy to zany. The best part is when you actually defeat it, it strikes a few poses and blows up.
  • Olimar's scientific name for Bulbmin: Parasiticus Pikminicus.
  • The bonus video for completing challenge mode in Pikmin 2 shows us some more detail about the reason for the plot. Louie was lying about the ravenous space bunny. He ate the entire shipment of golden pikpik carrots.
  • Some of the ship AI's reactions, especially after you make it store a deceased enemy, attempt to enter the Submerged Castle, and after it becomes gold plated.
  • Enemies falling off the side of the rusty metal stages. Especially if they're a Bulbear marching after your Pikmin so blindly that it walks out onto nothing and falls.
  • Plenty of the letters you receive. Highlights include the President realizing he accidentally took a loan out with the All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks, the President accidentally eating all the cookies that were for Louie, spam letters, and Olimar's family attending a performance and falling asleep during it.
  • Doodlebugs.
  • If you're not going for a No Casualties Run, try finishing off a boss by poisoning it. It will only cause minor damage, but if you pull this off, it's your personal Moment of Awesome and pretty hilarious to boot.
  • Both notes on the Flare Cannon. The Ship says it should "never be used to cook sausages". Olimar says Louie keeps trying to use it to cook sausages.
  • The Comedy Bomb starts as a terrible poison bioweapon, but after the Ship tinkers with it, it becomes nothing more than a makeshift whoopie cushion.
  • In the two-player battle mode, Olimar and Louie's faces become more angry or smug depending on who's winning. Both of them get cartoonishly angry if they lose, and hilarious shit-eating grins when they win.
