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Funny / Murder Princess

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  • Interestingly enough, Falis-in-Alita's body's initial reaction in the first episode to the body swap is by far the funnier of the two.
    Falis: AM I DEAD?!
  • Falis's first time trying on a corset is comical complaining as Alita politely insists on lacing it up.
  • Falis-Alita's reaction over realizing she rules a kingdom.
  • On the voice actors' commentary track, they're discussing themes in the series, such as the danger of dependence on technology.
    Monica Rial (Milano): We just have to watch out for Theoria. Google's okay.
    Colleen Clinkenbeard (Alita): Yeah. If we hear on the news that the Theoria Interface has been made near Columbia University, the end of the world is nigh.
    Monica: Unless that means that I'm gonna be a princess, in which case BRING IT ON.
    Colleen: You're gonna be a maid. I'm gonna be the princess!
  • Irony in voice casting: You might expect Colleen Clinkenbeard to be playing the badass warrior Falis, given that one of her more famous roles is Erza Scarlet. But she’s Alita in this.
